Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Heads or Tails

I've been posting my "Heads or Tails" posts on Tuesday nights after the children go to bed...so I know some of you may not be able to read them until Wednesday. I'm sorry about that, and my goal is to do better... *smile* With that said, the topic that Skittles chose this week is Keys. Since it is a "heads" week we can interpret this any way we want. This has been the most difficult topic for me so far...
I loved Mama Pajamas post about keys, and I almost took her idea! After much thought, I decided I would post the "keys to my heart" just in case hubby reads (he better)!
1. A home-cooked meal - cooked by anyone other than me.
2. Kitchen cleaned after above said home-cooked meal.
3. Laundry that is washed, folded, and put away (again by someone other than me)!!!!!
4. Cleaned, swept, and mopped bathroom - could be either one, you choose (again...get the picture?)
5. A night out at one of my favorite restaurants.
This list could go on and on really, although funny how it has changed over the years. 8 years ago this list would have read 1. roses/flowers, 2. jewelry, 3. chocolates, etc.

I give Craig a hard time about helping around the house and such, but I really don't have much to complain about. He is a terrific husband, and wonderful father, and I'm quite lucky to have him!


Theresa said...

loved your idea for keys- it is amazing how we change what is important to us over time.
Although you still might want to keep chocolate at least in your top 10!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for keys!!! I should leave a list like this hanging around the house for my husband to read!! (and thank you for the shout out- that was really sweet) I was just coming by to say that it looks like we are going to have to be enemies this weekend - b/c LSU is playing South Carolina this Saturday. But of course, that would be very childish of me....Go LSU!!! Just kidding....

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage