We had a fun week in VBS and I know my kids will be counting down for next year! We even had 1 profession of faith - and that is what it's all about!!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
VBS Commencement
We had a fun week in VBS and I know my kids will be counting down for next year! We even had 1 profession of faith - and that is what it's all about!!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Career Meme
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Friday Feast #153
I had a 2 foot tall plastic baby doll that was one of my favorites. I even gave her a nice hair cut (scalped) when I was about 5. What do you expect? I had watched my mom cut people's hair my whole life!
Soup: On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest) how observant are you?
I would say 8, but my sister would probably say 3 (she blames it on my blond hair). I'm pretty observant, a few things do slip by me though.
Salad: Where would you rather be at this very moment?
on a cruise - something I've always wanted to do and something we plan to do soon
Main Course: When was the last time you learned something new?
Today - I learned that my daughter really, really, really doesn't like the way the polishing paste at the dentist office tastes. I'm sure I learned many other things (more educational) today as well, but I can't recall anything at the moment.
Dessert: Fill in the blank: I have ____________ but I haven’t ____________.
I have visited many places in the United States, but I haven't visited any other countries.
Teeth Cleaning!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
My Sweet Hubby!
Miniature Golf
Mikayla just made her putt - go girl!
I love this picture! It's hard to tell but they are standing on the edge looking down at the water - it almost looks like Drew and Jadyn are leaning against those rocks. The rocks were actually on the other side of the "stream".
Drew just made his putt - go boy!
I LOVE this picture of Trevyr - I wanted to take all of the kids pictures here, but Trevyr was the only one that wanted his picture taken at the time!
I love this picture of Drew and Mikayla, with the exception of Drew's eyes being closed - hey I can't blame him, they were facing the sun!
We all had a great time at Frankie's even if the kids began acting a little tired before we finished. Mikayla slept for 4 hours this afternoon, and Drew even napped (which he never does anymore) a little while before church. I knew they were tired! Amy called me this afternoon and we agreed that we would get together again next week - we are certain all four will be better then!
A Couple of Funnies...
Vacation Bible School 2007 - Night 2
Monday, July 23, 2007
Monday Madness #1
Sunday, July 22, 2007
VBS 2007
Do We Look Alike?

Friday, July 20, 2007
Friday Feast #152
Soup: If you could completely memorize any one work of fiction, which one would you pick? First thing that came to mind was To Kill a Mockingbird. This was one of the only novels on the required reading lists throughout school that I actually enjoyed - in fact, it's still one of my favorites.
Salad: What is your favorite breakfast food? Muffins - make them banana nut or blueberry please!
Main Course: Name something fun you can do for less than $10.00. Swim, play at the park, fish, and go to the summer dollar movies (movie costs $1 for children - adults are free, and drinks and popcorn are $1 also, so me and the kids can go for a total of $8)
Dessert: How long does it usually take you to fall asleep? Once I get in the bed, it doesn't take long at all - the problem is actually getting in the bed. I'm usually reading, scrapbooking, or on the web before bed and it's easy for me to lose track of time during any of these activities!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I've Been Tagged!
1. I’m a kindergarten teacher which most people know since it's on my profile. I have been teaching for 6 year, and will begin my seventh year in August. I was voted my school's teacher of the year by my peers for the upcoming school year.
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Last Pictures from the Beach 2007
Ridin' Rides
Trey, Drew, and Mikayla walk into Family Kingdom.
Mikayla, Drew, and Trey ride the kiddie Ferris Wheel.
Trey and Drew wanted to ride the Log Flume so we saved that for last since Nana and I knew they would get wet. Try loves this ride, but it was the first time Drew had ever ridden it! As he came around this curve he started yelling to me "mama, I got scared on that big hill". I reassured him that he would be getting off in just a minute. He was trying to stand up/get off before he got all the way in the load/unload area.
Drew riding all of these "big" rides, and Mikayla trying more of the "kiddie" rides is just another example of my little ones growing up!