Sunday, January 15, 2006

Friday and Saturday

Our weekend so far has been really nice! Friday night, we went to Mimi and Poppi's house! Drew and Mikayla had been saying they wanted to go to Mimi and Poppi's house since Friday morning on the way to daycare. (We pass Mimi and Poppi's street on our way!) Aunt Laura and Uncle Ted were there when we got there, so it was nice to visit with everyone. Drew and Mikayla had fun playing with their Thomas trains, played with bouncing balls (which mommy didn't think was a good idea in the house), and they played a game of Candy Land. Then Mikayla drew and colored a little bit, while Drew played with his hot wheels cars. They also had fun showing everyone all the new things they have learned. Mikayla had just learned our phone number that night, and loved showing everyone!! We are so proud of her! At 16 months old, she knew her name and could spell it, she could count to 10, and knew some colors. Since she has turned two in August, she has learned her birthday and now her phone number! She can also count to 20 and knows most of her colors (although only when she's interested, of course). Drew, who had just started wrestling on Thursday, had to show and tell about all he had learned there. He also had to tell Aunt Laura and Uncle Ted about his trip to the dentist (Mimi and Poppi had already heard this once, but they didn't mind hearing it again!) Jonathan, Jessica, and Jennie and her friend Jennifer had all come in before we left. So, of course we had to stay a little while longer to visit with them. Even when we were finally saying good night, Drew and Mikayla still were not ready to leave.

Our plan was to go to Greenwood to see Nannie and Nana Saturday. However, Craig received an email from work Friday night and had to go in for awhile yesterday afternoon. So, we hope to get to Greenwood soon to see Nannie and hopefully Nana soon! Since we weren't going to Greenwood, we spent the morning playing around the house. Then we met Poppi and Aunt Jennie for lunch at Macdonald's. This is Drew and Mikayla's favorite place to eat (imagine that)! They especially like the Macdonald's here because it has a PlayLand, and we like it because the PlayLand is indoors. As soon as we got there, Craig took Drew and Mikayla to play while Poppi, Jennie, and I ordered, fixed drinks, and got everything together. When our food was ready they came to eat, and then went straight back to play! Drew was such a nice big brother while we were there. Mikayla can go down the BIG slide by herself, but we still ask Drew to keep an eye on her (there are enclosed stairs and tunnels leading up to the slide)! They both helped 2 other children about Mikayla's age find their way to the BIG slide and come down. One time, Mikayla started crying while she was in the tunnels at the top. Thank goodness Jennie was with us! She (along with another adult there with her granddaughter) immediately climbed up to where Mikayla was. We couldn't see them in the tunnels, however, we could hear Drew! He was saying "I'm checking on her, I'm checking on her!" What a great feeling!!

After we left Macdonald's, we went to daddy's work! Drew and Mikayla love visiting daddy at work, so they thought it was wonderful to be able to go with him. Since he didn't have much to do, we stayed with Craig while he worked. Mikayla was tired and had gotten a little whinny not long after we arrived, so she and I sat in the van. Drew, however, stayed with daddy and was daddy's little "helper".

When we got home from "work", we all took a nap. I guess we worked a little too hard. Then for supper, we enjoyed dinner at Outback (thanks Jonathan and Jessica for the gift card)!

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