Thursday, March 09, 2006

Better and Better

This afternoon we had Mikayla's third dance class. I was wonderfully surprised to see her go running in her room while I stayed out in the waiting room!! She went straight to her cubby to put her ballet shoes up. Then before another parent (who had gone in with her daughter) could come out, Mikayla ran to to door ready to come back out to me. Before I saw Mikayla (I could hear her running toward the door, calling mommy), they closed the door. She got a little upset, but I patiently waited to see how she would be (remembering that this was the only time she cried last week)! Soon after the door was closed, one of the other parents cracked the door so she could get pictures. She told me that Mikayla was fine and that she was trying everything the other little girls were doing! I was afraid to peek myself for fear of upsetting her again. At different times throughout the class the other parent would crack the door to get pictures, and each time, Mikayla was doing exactly as the other little girls! When the class was over, Mikayla came running out of the room with the other little girls, all smiles! I sent her back in to get her tap shoes from her cubby (they change half-way through the class), and I went in to talk to Mrs. Andrea! She let me know right away what a wonderful job Mikayla is doing. She said she couldn't believe how well Mikayla was doing to be so young. She said most of the time at that age, girls just stand and watch, but she would do the steps right along with the other girls - and she did them correctly! I told her I was able to peek in last week at the end of the class and saw her doing some of that. She said she did even better this week, and that she was so proud of her!! I am so glad Mikayla's doing so well, and she truly does LOVE it! I picked up her dance bag on Saturday to hang it back up and she jumped up and said "bye daddy", as she thought it was time for her to go to dance! I am very tickled that she enjoys it so much and that she is participating! I am curious to see how she will do in the recital...being on a stage, with all those lights, and all those strange people watching! Mrs. Andrea said it's always hard to tell how they will do with that. We shall see...
Drew had his second baseball practice this evening after Mikayla's dance class. I was extremely proud of how well he did. Craig had to work late and didn't make it to practice. I explained this to Drew and Mikayla before practice so they knew they would have to listen very carefully to mommy!! When we first got there, Drew wanted me to roll some balls to him so he could stop them! He does a great job of this now that he's had a whole year to practice on an organized team. I have noticed such improvement since last year!! Last year, he had a hard time understanding that baseball is a team sport. He would get so upset when he would try to get the ball, but someone else on his team would get it instead. He would get mad and cry! We have talked extensively about that, and even shown him examples of other people playing baseball (namely the pros on TV)! Our goal for this year is that he is for sure over that! So far, so good. He chases after all the balls still, but he doesn't even get upset if he doesn't get them. He just runs back out to his spot on the field! I coudn't be prouder of him for that! I have also noticed an improvement in his hitting this year! The coach pitched four balls to him today, and he hit every pitch (okay - so one was a foul tip, but he still hit it)! Then they put the ball on the tee for him and he hit it very hard as well! Our team this year is wonderful. All the kids seem to be so close already! They are such good listeners even though most of them are only 3! Drew is only one of 4 four year olds on the team! It is going to be such a great year!!

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