This weeks' topic is 5 Favorite Amusement Park Rides. I'm not much of a rider at Amusement Parks as I am usually more interested in taking pictures of the rides my children are riding than riding myself, and I am what some would call a "chicken" when it comes to these things. I do have a few favorites so I hope I can get 5...this would have been easier for me if it were my 5 least favorite amusement park rides (I can think of several of those).
1. Merry-Go-Round - This is a "classic". A ride I think everyone enjoys at some point in their lives - as a kid themselves, with their children, or even as an adult.
2. Pirate Ships (not the upside down kind) - I wasn't brave enough to ride any of the "big" rides until I was in my late teens. The moment I rode this ride for the first time (at Mile High Ghost Town in the Sky) I was hooked. I could ride (and have) this ride over and over again. I try to talk Craig into riding this ride with me, but he won't. His mom tells me stories of when he was little - he used to cry when they had to walk under this ride. From that information, I'm thinking he'll never ride it.
3. E.T. Ride at Universal Studios - one of the neatest rides I've ever ridden. I love the very end of the ride where it looks like you are flying over the city.
4. Haunted Mansion at Disney World, Florida - another neat ride. I never will forget the first time I rode this ride - I was 12. I stood in the long line bravely with my family (about 10 of us), then decided when we got to the door I didn't want to go in. Well I didn't really have a choice because the whole group was going in and I sure didn't want to stay outside that place by myself. I was so scared at the beginning when the walls started closing in on us, and then when we (my dad, brother, and I) got into our "seat" the person "manning" the ride scared me even more. Once we got going though I thought it was the coolest thing - I wasn't scared at all. I can't wait to take Drew and Mikayla to Disney World one day and let them experience this ride for themselves.
5. 3D Experiences/Simulators - to some these probably don't even count as rides, but I love these. A couple of my favorites have been Days of Thunder at Carowinds and Honey I Shrunk the Audience at Disney's Epcot Center. Fun, fun, fun...
So there is my first ever Give Me Five list!! That was fun!
FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! Way to kick off a new meme, sista! I think you did great here and by the way, you could have totally done the opposite of rides you dislike vs. rides you like. It is any way the theme translates to you or your life experiences.
I totally forgot about the simulation rides......woooot! I love those. I rode one once that was outside of an amusement park, an independent production in Orlando Florida and it was the most fun! It simulated this out of control rail car that went flying through space...it was awesome! Yes, very cool indeed. There was also another fun one in the Luxor in Las Vegas! How could I have forgotten all those fun rides?
Thanks for participating and linking back to the main post. You put out a great first GM5!!
Ummmm is 32 too old to still be dreaming of going to Disneyworld??? Cuz, yep, that's me LOL
Great new meme, I like it that it is only 5- my brain gets tired when I have to think of more. Loved the ET ride at Universal- but thought the backdraft was very interesting. I like the backlot tour too-if you get to count that as a ride.
funny I get very sea sick in the 3-d things but my husband loves them so I usually go and shut my eyes through at least half of the show.
good job!
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