Mrs. Hayes, one of Mikayla's 4k teachers, invited us to her church Saturday night for their Fall Festival. So, after Jadyn's birthday party we came home and got Drew and Mikayla in costume and off we go (minus daddy). The kids and I had so much fun!! They enjoyed hot dogs, participated in "trunk or treat", played on an inflatable slide, went on a "hayride", and we all participated in the "cake walk". We know a lot of people that go to church with Mrs. Hayes as there are a lot of people from our school there. It was nice to get together with all of them. Drew and Mikayla were not ready to end the party, and Mrs. Hayes had mentioned a "slushy" from Sonic. So, Drew and Mikayla rode with Mrs. Hayes and her van full of children to Sonic while I followed in our van. Nanda, Jim, Bryson, and Breanna (who also attend church there) met us there! Then, Drew and Mikayla still weren't ready to ride with me apparently, so Mrs. Hayes brought them home! We had such a fun time, and we are so glad to have been invited!!

This looks like so much fun! Fall festivals are getting to be more fun that just plain trick or treating.
Looks like good times were had by all!
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