Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Still Here!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Give Me Five!

Saturday, November 17, 2007
I told Drew and Mikayla about it, so they were excited to watch it in the microwave to see if it really would pop.
If you are going to try this at home, I will warn you it makes a mess in the microwave (you may have already assumed this). The mess was worth it when I saw the looks on Drew and Mikayla's faces!
Soccer Banquet
Drew sits at the table with all the boys from his team. They had so much fun that night!
I love this face Mikayla is making - I caught her with food in her mouth.
Drew receives his trophy from Coach Chris, Coach Matt, and Chris' son.
It was a fun night, where the boys could be silly and enjoy spending time with each other off of the soccer field (we reserved the banquet room). There were smiles all around!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Give Me Five #1

This weeks' topic is 5 Favorite Amusement Park Rides. I'm not much of a rider at Amusement Parks as I am usually more interested in taking pictures of the rides my children are riding than riding myself, and I am what some would call a "chicken" when it comes to these things. I do have a few favorites so I hope I can get 5...this would have been easier for me if it were my 5 least favorite amusement park rides (I can think of several of those).
1. Merry-Go-Round - This is a "classic". A ride I think everyone enjoys at some point in their lives - as a kid themselves, with their children, or even as an adult.
2. Pirate Ships (not the upside down kind) - I wasn't brave enough to ride any of the "big" rides until I was in my late teens. The moment I rode this ride for the first time (at Mile High Ghost Town in the Sky) I was hooked. I could ride (and have) this ride over and over again. I try to talk Craig into riding this ride with me, but he won't. His mom tells me stories of when he was little - he used to cry when they had to walk under this ride. From that information, I'm thinking he'll never ride it.
3. E.T. Ride at Universal Studios - one of the neatest rides I've ever ridden. I love the very end of the ride where it looks like you are flying over the city.
4. Haunted Mansion at Disney World, Florida - another neat ride. I never will forget the first time I rode this ride - I was 12. I stood in the long line bravely with my family (about 10 of us), then decided when we got to the door I didn't want to go in. Well I didn't really have a choice because the whole group was going in and I sure didn't want to stay outside that place by myself. I was so scared at the beginning when the walls started closing in on us, and then when we (my dad, brother, and I) got into our "seat" the person "manning" the ride scared me even more. Once we got going though I thought it was the coolest thing - I wasn't scared at all. I can't wait to take Drew and Mikayla to Disney World one day and let them experience this ride for themselves.
5. 3D Experiences/Simulators - to some these probably don't even count as rides, but I love these. A couple of my favorites have been Days of Thunder at Carowinds and Honey I Shrunk the Audience at Disney's Epcot Center. Fun, fun, fun...
So there is my first ever Give Me Five list!! That was fun!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
My Sweetie...
Basketball and Cheerleading
Playoff Games...
Update on Molly
Straight A's!!!
Drew (in the red shirt) waits in line to receive his award from Mrs. Pryor (one of our Assistant Principals).
Drew receives another award (homework pass, and invitation to Principal's Pals Party) from our student council Vice President.
Drew looks so sweet as he leaves the stage!! Please excuse the black paint on his face - the awards ceremony was the day after Halloween - the red paint came off easily, the black would not...
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Something Special!

"After looking, reading and watching many many Blogs and bloggers I decided to issue some recognition to those fellow bloggers I feel maintain integrity in the Blogs. All these bloggers incorporate within their wonderful sites, an integrity not always seen. They share terrific stories, topics, discussions and images. All Well worth a look."
Trick or Treating at Mimi and Poppi's
Our Church Festival
We had a wonderful time, and the kids were worn out by the time we left!