Thursday, August 16, 2007

Friday's Feast #156

Appetizer: Describe your laundry routine. Do you have a certain day when you do it all, or do you just wash whatever you need for the next day?
I'd love to say I did a few loads of laundry each night to keep caught up. Unfortunately, I'm more of a wash whatever we need for the next day kinda gal - especially during the school year.

Soup: In your opinion, what age will you be when you’ll consider yourself to truly be old?
60 - this was a hard one because I know 70+ year olds who I don't consider "old" at all. They do things they did when they were kids!!

Salad: What is one of your goals? Is it short-term, long-term, or both?
To help both of my children have a successful year of school this year. I would say this is a short-term goal that is essential to the long-term goal to help my children be the best they can be!

Main Course: Name something unbelievable you’ve seen or read lately.
That students in our district received over 7 million dollars last year in scholarship money!

Dessert: On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how happy are you today?


Anonymous said...

beautiful dessert--I'm happy about that. Awesome on the main course!! Have a great weekend, Alison!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful dessert! I wish we all could say that!

Ingrid said...

I think being old is a question of age. When I was 15 I found people of 30 very old. Now I am 63 and looking at a friend who is 84 but still does waterskiing I wonder at what age you are really old !

Melody said...

Great feast, Alison!
Wow, 7 millions is a lot of money!!!

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

I don't do laundry every day either. I tend to do it your way. :-) It works. :-)

Kaje said...

wow, whatta dessert :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely feast!!! Thanks for sharing it. Come and dine at my table and bring some friends along too!!!

Anonymous said...

that's cool!! ~ a 10!!
wonderful feast!

Anonymous said...

Great feast!! Have a great Friday!

Annie said...

Aw, finally a 10 for dessert!
Great feast, Happy Friday!
My Life as Annie!

Renee said...

Wonderful feast! Have a great weeknd.

Gill said...

I like your salad - well put! So nice to see someone with a 10 for their dessert! Great feast.

Anonymous said...

Great feast. I love your enthusiasm for the next school year...It feels weird now that I'm at home...not having the "back to teaching" jitters...

Unknown said...

great fast..Its nice to read a happy post..I read your log all the time..Where in SC are you? we lived in Rock Hill!

The Gal Herself said...

To be a "10" on a Friday! Good for you! Hope your high spirits hold through the weekend.

Lori said...

What a wonderful salad. Happy FF:)

Lori said...

What a wonderful salad. Happy FF:)

Susanna said...

Happy Friday. School does not go back for another 3 weeks here (or is it two?)

Sandee said...

So far most of us agree on the appetizer question. I'll be 60 in 3 years, but I do understand where you are coming from. I just keep moving the 'old' out further. I'm a 20 on the dessert. I can tell by your picture that you are a 10 all the time. Have a great FF. :)

katy said...

Enjoyed your feast. I hope your whole weekend is a 10!


meowminx said...

Enjoyed your feast, esp your salad :)

My feast is served, even though it's a bit late.

Have a great weekend!

BeccA's Buzz said...

I love your salad, I agree that the short term goals help the long term goals stay within reach! Great FF! :)

Anonymous said...

Great Salad!
Enjoy your weekend :)

Anonymous said...

You are a girl after my own heart. I too usually wash last-minute and the night before. I loved your feast!

happy friday! :o)

Kwizgiver said...

Love your dessert!!!

Have a great weekend!

Alice said...

This is the happiest feast I've been to! Wow, I admire your 10 for happiness. :D

Love your salad too. Great goal, that one.

Have a good weekend!

Syl said...

What a great feast!

Enjoy this weekend!

Berto and Kwala said...

loved your dessert... wish mine was the same. =)

have a nice day!

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