Thursday, August 02, 2007

Friday's Feast #154

Appetizer: On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how polite are you?
I would say an 8. I'm pretty polite - I remember my manners and such, but I'm sure there is always room for growth.

Soup: What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
The things my children say make me laugh out loud almost constantly!

Salad: Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Do I have a favorite? I sure watch my fair share of cartoons with the rug rats but I can't think of a favorite right off.

Main Course: Tell about the funniest teacher you ever had.
Oh wow, great question! Being a teacher - I'll love to read the responses to this. My funniest teacher was my ninth grade algebra teacher. He had this dry sarcasm that worked well with high school students.

Dessert: Complete this sentence: I strongly believe that ______________________.
I strongly believe that there is one God and that He sent His son to die on the cross for my sins - yours too!


Anonymous said...

what great answers!! My kids always crack me up too!!

Anonymous said...

My dessert is similar to yours. :-)

Kids are a great source of entertainment.

Jennie said...

awww.....I love this what GREAT responses sis u will have to check mine out!!!

Anonymous said...

Great answers and they are close to mine!

Anonymous said...

Love your Dessert!

Ingrid said...

I didn't have any funny teacher, they were so funny as a funeral !

Alice said...

Amen to your Dessert! I've read something similar on Barbara H's bloggie. :D

Thanks for the delightful feast, Alison! Happy Friday!

Bowen Family- Ashley said...

My dessert is similar to yours.I agree on the Dessert!!

Anonymous said...

I like your Soup. Good feast!

I invite you to my table.

Anonymous said...

Whoof! Good eats!

Food's on at my place too.

Anonymous said...

Great feast Alison! (and thanks for coming by!)l

Your dessert is my favorite too. ;)

Melody said...

Great feast! Yes, I like your soup. Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Great Feast Alison. I am also a teacher. :-) We have the same dessert. :-) Come on by and check out my feast. :-)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your feast!
My kids are always making me laugh with the sill things that they say!

Loved your dessert, I couldn't agree more.

Happy Friday!

Melli said...


I, too, HOPE we get to read some good resonses about the teachers today!

Jodi said...

Great feast! And I love your dessert!!

Have a great Friday!

Anonymous said...

Great feast! Kids are wonderful for making us laugh.

Anonymous said...

I liked your feast. I am (was) also a public school teacher. I'm sure we could trade some funny stories...

Anonymous said...'s my link. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Great feast! Children definitely make me laugh. Their innocence is so precious, isn't it? My 4 year old son is not only funny as all heck, he's so incredibly compassionate and caring. He's such a good fella.

Thanks for stoppin' by my feast. Have a good weekend!

Best -

Sandee said...

An algebra teacher that was fun? I can't quite connect those dots. Great feast. Have a blessed Friday and weekend. :)

Renee said...

Great feast! Have a wonderful weekend.

Kara said...

Great feast! Thanks for visiting mine

Kim said...

Children are a great source for laughter.

Great feast!

Mine is up...come on over.

BeccA's Buzz said...

I love your dessert, I couldn't agree more! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I came back to tell you I love the picture of you and your family on your side bar! I love the kids and grandpa! Very sweet!

Mitchypoo said...

I admire you being a teacher! Great feast!

Anonymous said...

I can imagine you're interested in the answers about the teachers. LOL!

Have a great weekend!

Manny said...

Hi Alison. Great feast! Another funny teacher I had was my Chemistry teacher in high school. He made his class somewhat fun, and we learned a lot, too.

The Gal Herself said...

Perhaps if I'd had a funny algebra teacher, I wouldn't be so mathematically hopeless and helpless today. PS I tagged you with a "middle name" meme.

JHS said...

Great answers, esp. the dessert.

Unknown said...

I'm a day late commenting, but better late than never.

We had the same kind of soup. LOL
I like your dessert.

Kim @ TheBitterBall

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage