Thursday, August 09, 2007

Friday's Feast #155

Appetizer: What is your favorite kind of pie? My Grandma's Strawberry Pie is the best. We have it every Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Soup: Name something that made you smile this week. My children make me smile every day! It makes me smile the most to see them playing well together or taking care of each other!

Salad: What do you do to cool off when the weather is hot and humid? Go swimming in my mom and dad's pool. The kiddos love it too!

Main Course: You receive $1,000 in the mail with a letter that says you can only use the money to redecorate one room in your home. Which room do you pick, and what do you buy to spruce it up? Living room - we need new carpet, but I think I'd rather have hardwoods/fake hardwoods. The walls also need a new coat of paint!

Dessert: Fill in the blank: My _________ says __________, but I __________. My sister says I act ditsy sometimes, but I know that's not true - ha ha!


Anonymous said...

My kids make me laugh each day too.

I wanted to thank you for stopping by earlier today and saying such kind things about my son and your words of encouragement. I wanted to come and visit you earlier in the evening but time got away with me (the kids wanted me to make popcorn!!)but I will be back tomorrow.

Great feast!!

Anonymous said...

@your desert, yeah! right on. haha.

Juzahlyn said...

agree with your always make us smile..great feast

Mine's up too

Lady of Musotopia said...

What a great salad - that sure brings back memories for me :)

Thanks for sharing your feast and dropping in on mine! I hope you're having a great weekend :)

Eleisia said...

Great feast.
Liked your soup and salad. Children make life so much more interesting.

Linda said...

Children, with all their innocence, always makes me smile.
Have a great weekend and try to stay cool.

Jenny said...

Strawberry pie sounds delish! Our Shoney's used to serve great strawberry pies...haven't had one in awhile...wonder if they are still as good?

btw, we have the same pinky blog...great minds think a like!

Melody said...

Great feast! I wish I have a pool though. LOL.

Happy Friday!

Inspiration Alley said...

Children always make me smile too.

Ingrid said...

Hhmmm, strawberry pie is not bad either ! I didn't eat very much this year they were soooo expensive !!

Gill said...

That appetizer sounds good! Nothing like parenting to put a smile on the face - well most the time ;-)

Anonymous said...

My sisters say the same about me, but I know it's true!

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Very tasty. Thanks for sharing.

Dinner is served at my place and you are invited to join me.

Anonymous said...

Whooof. Good eats. I make my Mom smile too.

Chow`s on... come eat with me.

Dallas Meow said...

Oh my I almost forgot about strawberry pie!

Unknown said...

that pie sounds like a wonderful tradition

Unknown said...

Yes, I like the hardwood/fake hardwood too.

Fun we have about the same answer.

Have a great weekend!

shirlnutkin said...

great dessert! have a good weekend! (and thanks for dropping by my feast)

Mel said...

We have the same soup!! I have never had strawberry pie, but love strawberries so I would bet I would enjoy that pie too.

Kara said...

I agree with your soup, my kids make me smile every day too :) Mmm, strawberry pie, I forgot about that, mmm!

BeccA's Buzz said...

I don't have babies yet, but I get a smile almost every time I'm around kids. I love their innocence. Great feast!

The Gal Herself said...

Is your Grandma still around to bake those pies? I ask because my Grandma (gone about a decade now) used to make the most absolutely FABULOUS flaky rolls for Thanksgiving, and no one has been able to execute her recipe quite the same way. (Maybe the biscuits just don't taste the same to me cuz I miss her.)

Nichole M said...

I would *love* to have hardwood flooring! Nice feast... have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Great I want to learn how to make strawberry pie. Sisters always think the other sister is ditsy....LOL

Michelle Quinno said...

lol on your dessert! And yum on the app.

tiggerprr said...

Mmmmmm strawberry pie! I love a good one! :)

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Oooh, your strawberry pie comment reminded me of how much I LOVED Marie Callender's strawberry pie! That was always my favorite (when they were still around).

Thanks for hopping by! :D

Mitchypoo said...

Great feast! I love hardwood floors too.

Kwizgiver said...

I enjoyed your Feast!

Michelle said...

Mmmm strawberry pie, so yummy!! Great feast!

Anonymous said...

yummm strawberry pie

Ibyang said...

yummy strawberry pie :) i love having one once in a while.

Andi said...

Neat...that you have strawberry pie at the holidays. I have just recently started being a fan of strawberry pie. An acquitance had me try a piece that she had almost thawed out....meaning that it was funny as we all still ate it & part of my piece went flying through the air as I tried to cut it with my fork.

JHS said...

Ah, what do sister's know, anyway? :-)

Barb said...

I like hardwood floors, too!

Alice said...

Great feast, Alison! I love your Appetizer, Soup and Dessert. The dessert's funny! I hope I can look ditzy but always, I got the 'intimidating' comment instead. Hmmmrphhh!

Shelby said...

oooooooooh I'd go for hardwoods :)

fabulous feast!

Nicole said...

Alison, Loved your feast today!
Happy early b-day to dd and yourself. What's funny about yours is that my sons is the 17th. So close and so strange, but so cool :D

Have a fab weekend!

Barb said...

I have a special sticky post up!

ZAM said...

it's true about the children making us smile, matter how much they misbehave, sometimes, i think it's even endearing..

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage