Friday, August 31, 2007
Birthday Party
Friday's Feast # 158
Soup: If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose?
Salad:What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed?
Main Course: If you were a celebrity, what would you do for a publicity stunt?
Dessert: What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
My First Award!

8. Trish ("Real life" friend who I met through my sister. She doesn't update her blog much, but I wanted to award her anyway.)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Go Drew!!
Birthdays and Bruises!
Happy Birthday Mikayla!
We got cupcakes for her to take to school to celebrate her birthday, and she will have her party this Saturday! A swim party at - you guessed it Mimi and Poppi's! We had previously given Mikayla her presents from us - clothes for school and a Leapster and a couple of games. She played the Leapster on our road trips this summer!! I like them because the kids are having fun, but the games teach them as well!! Great all around!!
We hope you had a GREAT birthday baby girl! I can't believe it's been four years already! You make us proud every day!
Mikayla's First Day
Heads or Tails??
1. Taking pictures - if I wasn't a teacher (and if I didn't love teaching like I do) I could see this being a career. It's not that I'm super talented, it's just something I love and I think it's something that improves with time and practice!
2. Scrapbooking - This is my favorite hobby. I wish I had more time to do this - my problem is having so much stuff and not having an "ideal" storage system in place. I usually get some done on weekends after my angels are asleep and during school breaks (again when they are asleep).
3. Reading - I have to read daily of course in my profession and with my little ones, but unfortunately I don't get to read too often for pleasure. This is something else I catch up on during school breaks!
4. Jewelry Making - I tried my hand at this last year as I made bracelets and necklaces to give as Christmas gifts to the "girls" in our families. I made several sets for Mikayla as well.
5. Card Making - I have made birthday invitations for Drew and Mikayla in recent years. This is fun for me and I also like the fact that their invitations are unique! I usually incorporate a picture of them somehow!
6. Making Hair bows - Something I love to do for Mikayla. Craig has never wanted Drew to looked the least little bit "made up" - no smocked, monogrammed clothes, no "Jon-Jon's" as an infant. He didn't even like for him to wear baby blue. So, I have made up for that with Mikayla! I love for her to wear bows and I love for them to match! Many of the bows she has have been bought (again because of too little time), but I have made several to match some of her outfits as well.
7. Blogging - this should probably be a little higher on my list because I seem to "make" time for this more often than the others - with the exception of taking pictures. This is sort of my online scrapbook. I love to include photos and stories so that when I go back to scrap these pictures I can get my journaling straight from here.
I feel like I could go on and on with this list, but I'll stop here to avoid boring you to death! Great theme this week Barb!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Because of new laws in SC stating how much physical activity students should get in school each week, our principal has brought in his personal trainer. We increased the time our students spend in PE each week last year (and that will continue this year), and we had students demonstrate/lead exercises on our morning news program each morning. This year, the trainer will demonstrate/lead exercises for our students. She will also be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school to work with teachers for FREE! I am soooo excited - I plan to MAKE time for myself and participate in this. I will have my fellow teachers aka friends there so we can cheer each other on and encourage each other. I also thought it would be a good idea to post on here so my blogging friends could encourage me, but I also know this way I'm held accountable! Maybe I'll also be inspiration to others out there like myself - it sure does inspire me when I see tickers at the tops of blogs showing how much weight my blogging friends have lost!!
I've been drinking more water and eating less this past week. I will continue with this, and exercise "class" starts Tuesday. I'll try to update on this topic at least once a week...
She's So Dramatic!
Soccer Practice
Oh yea, did I mention they had Craig listed as head coach for Drew's team??? Craig was terrified - he doesn't know anything about soccer!! When we registered Drew, they asked if he would be willing to help. He replied "sure, I'll help". I don't think he meant that as I'll be the head coach! LOL He called the commissioner and let him know he'd help any way, but he didn't think it would be fair to the boys if he was head coach since he didn't know anything about soccer! They asked the assistant coach and he agreed to be head coach! Craig was very relieved!!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Whew what a week!
Friday Feast #157
Soup: Take the letters from your favorite kind of nut and write a sentence. (Example: Perhaps every avenue needs understanding today.) Can anyone see his exciting win?
Salad: If you could go back in time and spend one week in another decade, which decade would you choose? 80's - I was only a kid. I love skating rinks, black Trans Ams, big hair, and parachute pants. Okay so I really don't love all those things, but that's how the song goes isn't it??
Main Course: Name a song that brings back memories for you. HaHa - see above! (You are not going to believe this, but I had not read this question when I answered the salad.)
Dessert: Do you prefer to wash your hands in cold water or warm water? I prefer warm water - to get the germs off better. I often just use cold because I don't have time (don't want to wait) for the water to get warm.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
1. I am a bit (haha) clumsy. My family makes fun of the grace (or lack there of) that I have!
2. I LOVE sweet tea - in fact this was one of the things I craved while pregnant with both children. I keep telling myself I'm going to only drink water, but I can't seem to go without at least one glass a day.
3. The other thing I craved while pregnant was Ranch dressing - salads, french fries - it didn't matter I had to have the Ranch!
4. I have a nasty habit of biting my finger nails! I stopped biting them last year and had let them get really long, but I started biting them again this summer. I may have to go back to acrylics.
5. I have many hobbies - if only I had the time to get to them. I love any kind of craft! I have cross - stitched, made hair bows for Mikayla, decorated flip flops (again for Mikayla - what can I say Craig doesn't really want Drew dressed up all that much) :), tried card making, made jewelry, etc. I also LOVE to take pictures and scrapbook!
6. I have my favorite dishes at most restaurants and that's all I order! My husband wishes I'd try new things.
7. My nickname in high school (well one of them) was Vegas, but it had nothing to do with gambling.
8. I am a lover of animals - well not the creepy, crawly kind or the slimy slithery kind.
Now for the tag - this might be hard because I've seen this on a lot of blogs. I'll attempt to tag 5 anyway - here goes:
Mama Pajama
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Heads or Tails!

1. I feel lucky to have the parents I have! I didn't agree with everything they did during my teenage years, but boy am I grateful for all they did/do now!!
2. I was lucky to meet my husband - the man of my dreams! I was in a long distance relationship at the time dating a guy I had met through friends. Craig and I met online, and we became fast friends. I couldn't believe it when I learned he lived only 2 minutes from me! The more I got to know him, the more I realized HE was the one for me. He is the best husband and father I could ask for!
3. I am lucky to have 2 beautiful, healthy (for the most part) children! Drew and Mikayla are my world - as if you couldn't tell! Mikayla has given us a couple of scares (heart rate dropping during labor, hospitalized twice before she turned 1), but we have been very blessed!
4. I am lucky to have a job that I love! I was hired in April 2001, graduated in May, had Drew in July, and started teaching at the beginning of August (when Drew was only 4 weeks old).
I truly believe everything happens for a reason according to God's plan. I am glad He is in control, because I couldn't have planned it any better!
Monday, August 20, 2007
First Day of School
They look REAL thrilled in this picture, right? haha
I made them take another one - I guess they thought we may as well smile, she's just gonna make us keep takin' them if we don't. :)
Once we got moving though they really were excited! Drew started acting a little quiet once we got to school though. When we were walking in the building he said "mama, can you sign me up to be a car rider?" I explained to him that he would have to attend our after school program. To which he replied "I shoulda just stayed at home" - oh, if it were only that easy!
In kindergarten, Mrs. Brooks, Ms. Smith, and I had lots of fun introducing routines, practicing going to the cafeteria, actually going to the cafeteria for lunch, learning all sorts of new rules, ect. We have a great group of students this year and we are all very excited to see the progress that our little ones make!
When we picked Drew up, we were excited to find out that he had a great day. I saw him and Mrs. Mitchell in the cafeteria and she said he was doing well. He was one of the only students in her class to remember his lunch number - this surprised me because I had forgotten to review it with him last night. He had a smiley face on his planner - we made a big deal about this and told him that's what we expect to see every day! Yah Drew!
I asked Mikayla what she did today when I picked her up. She replied "I don't want to tell you". With more questions I found out that she had a great day as well. We learned what she had for lunch, which students weren't there because they were sick, who she played with, etc. Our silly kids - I guess they think we will just stop asking if they don't give us an answer the first time. You'd think they'd learned by now - mama's gonna find out, one way or another! :)
Another Birthday!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Last Day of Summer Vacation!
Drew LOVES practicing new tricks on the diving board - cannon balls, toothpicks, jumping off backwards (scaring me to death), and attempting dives and flips. He is able to flip once he hits the water, but he would love to be able to flip in air - maybe next year. I know, from having a brother, that many things he will attempt in his life will have me gasping. His other favorite game to play is diving for sunken objects - he loves attempting this in the deep end (8 feet). He will keep trying until he gets them!!
I know two little fish (and a mama) who will be sad to see fall come just because it means the closing of the pool until next year.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Friday's Feast #156
Soup: In your opinion, what age will you be when you’ll consider yourself to truly be old?
Salad: What is one of your goals? Is it short-term, long-term, or both?
Main Course: Name something unbelievable you’ve seen or read lately.
Dessert: On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how happy are you today?
Thursday Thirteen #2
5. Karate - Drew participated in one year of karate through his after school program.
7. Basketball - Drew will begin his 2nd year in January.
8. Pageants - Mikayla has participated in two ALL natural pageants. She has enjoyed these, and would probably want to do more. I am not willing to participate in these heavily - the only ones we would ever do more than likely would be the natural pageants. And, we won't be participating in many of those!
9. Jazz - Mikayla will begin her 2nd year in September.
10. Golf - 2 weeks of camp this past summer for Drew.
11. Soccer - Drew participates in his first soccer game this Saturday.
12. Clogging - Mikayla will begin her first year in September.
13. Cheer leading - Mikayla will begin her first year in January through Upward - she wanted to this past year but she had to be four. This year she will be old enough.
Boy, they keep us busy! Luckily, several of these activities were offered through their daycare or the after school program. Our goal has always been to provide both our children with as many opportunities we could and let them choose their favorite activities. Eventually, we will be forced to cut back but right now we are having so much fun!!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Image Meme

I'd love to go on a cruise one day, but I've never had any desire to sail - I need something will a little larger area to move around on. What I found interesting is it said this Alison started sailing at age 14 - wow! Now for the tag - which five lucky people shall I choose??
The Gal Herself
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Heads or Tails??
Sunday, August 12, 2007
New Beds
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Friday's Feast #155
Soup: Name something that made you smile this week. My children make me smile every day! It makes me smile the most to see them playing well together or taking care of each other!
Salad: What do you do to cool off when the weather is hot and humid? Go swimming in my mom and dad's pool. The kiddos love it too!
Main Course: You receive $1,000 in the mail with a letter that says you can only use the money to redecorate one room in your home. Which room do you pick, and what do you buy to spruce it up? Living room - we need new carpet, but I think I'd rather have hardwoods/fake hardwoods. The walls also need a new coat of paint!
Dessert: Fill in the blank: My _________ says __________, but I __________. My sister says I act ditsy sometimes, but I know that's not true - ha ha!
Thursday Thirteen (TT#1)
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Funny Kids
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Gatlinburg: Day Two

Monday, August 06, 2007
Gatlinburg: Day 1
From there we checked into our hotel, unpacked and then walked "the strip". When we got to Ripley's Haunted Adventure, Drew decides he wants to go in. After talking the to attendant and some people coming out to let Drew hear how intense it is, he still was determined to go. So, Craig bought tickets for he and Drew. I (still a little worried about this) stayed with Mikayla who had no desire to go in. She was scared enough by the workers hanging around outside. I remind Drew that it is all pretend and if he gets too scared he can come out. With a kiss they are off. I wait with camera ready to get a picture as they board the "caged elevator". It was a relief to see Craig and Drew come back out only minutes after going back. Drew changed his mind and decided he didn't want to ride after all. Craig said everybody back there was begging him to ride - I, for one, am glad he didn't. I think it would be better for him to wait until he's older!