Even though temperatures have been in the 90's this week, we have still managed to have fun (even spending some time outside)! We spent Monday morning outside because there was a nice breeze that kept us from getting too hot. Drew and Mikayla have finally figured out how to ride the "plane" on their swingset by themselves. We have had the swingset for 3 years - it was a gift from mommy and daddy for Drew's second birthday. After playing outside we came in, had lunch, and rested awhile before playing more in the afternoon.

They had to show daddy how they could fly their "plane" when he got home from work!

Look at those funny faces- they are my silly monkeys!
Yesterday, we spent the morning playing, and then Drew and Mikayla went to stay with Mimi while mommy went for a check-up at the dentist. When I picked them up, I found them playing Connect Four with Mimi in her living room floor! Boy, those Grandma's sure know how to have a good time with their grandchildren. Then before we came home, we went and visited awhile with Grandma (Drew and Mikayla's great-grandma), who lives across the street from Mimi and Poppi. While there, Drew and Mikayla gave Red two bones (they both had to give her one), got into Grandma's candy dish way more than they needed to, and rolled a ball in her living room. I'm telling ya, those Grandma's sure love to spoil their grandkids. Drew and Mikayla got a double-dose of this yesterday!
Today, we got up and got ready to go to the movies. I took Drew and Mikayla to the movies by myself last week to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (see earlier post), but today Aunt Jennie, Daniel, and Danae were going to meet us there. We went to see Polar Express . Drew and Mikayla have the movie and this was the third time they have seen it in the theatre (this was the first movie we took them to see at the theatres), but you would have thought it was their first. Mikayla was still surprised by some things, and Drew never took his eyes off the screen. We had a great time, I just wish I had taken my camera to get pictures of Drew and Mikayla with Danae and Daniel! Then we went and met daddy for lunch at Fatz! When we got home, we rested for awhile and then continued to play inside until daddy got home. When daddy came home, we all went outside for family time. Daddy cooked on the grill, while Drew, Mikayla, and I played in the yard. In fact, Craig has cooked on his grill every night this week. I'm loving this, because I'm not tied up in the kitchen! After dinner, Poppi came over to bring Drew and Mikayla chocolate milkshakes, and play for awhile. When he was leaving, Drew and Mikayla tried to get him to stay to catch ligtning bugs with them. He was tired and was going home to get ready for bed. I guess he felt bad once he got home because he sent Aunt Jennie and Josh over to catch lightning bugs.
Even though they couldn't find any lightning bugs, Drew and Mikayla still had fun with Jennie and Josh. They didn't want them to leave even though it was almost 11:00.
Late bedtime means they will sleep late in the morning - not so good for Craig who has to get up early for work!
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