One of the movie theatres here in town have what's called Summer Movie Madness. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the entire summer (starting in June, and ending in July) they play "old" movies suitable for children, a different movie each week. For example, the movie they showed this Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and next week they will show The Polar Express. They charge $1 admission for children and parents/adults get in free. They also have "kiddie" popcorn and drinks available for $1 each. Many daycares take advantage of this offer as part of there summer programs for the children. My sister and I found out about this program last year. We started taking Drew and Mikayla along with the three children from our church that she baby-sits Danae, Marissa, and Daniel. We didn't take the kids every week last year, but we had so much fun the weeks we did go. I knew I wanted to take advantage of this program again this year. So, yesterday we got up and got ready to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was the first time that I have been brave enough to take Drew and Mikayla to the movies by myself, but I figured this year they are both independent enough to walk by themselves carrying their popcorn and drink. This left me able to carry my popcorn and drink and their two "booster seats". The cinema that offers this has stadium-style seating and offers "boosters" for the kids. While we were waiting in line to buy tickets, Mikayla starts hollering "I gotta go potty". I had planned to take she and Drew once we got inside because since she has been completely potty-trained (since the end of March) we try to go to the bathroom before we begin anything. The very nice lady standing in front of us offered to buy our tickets so that we wouldn't have to go to the end of the line. I was very grateful for her offer, and she even came into the restroom to find and give us our tickets. I couldn't thank her enough for that act of kindness! By the time we got our popcorn and drinks, got their "boosters" and made our way into the theatre the opening credits were running. Of course Drew likes to sit up near the top so we made our way in the darkness. Once we were seated (Drew on his "booster" and Mikayla in my lap because of the loud noise), we were ready for the movie to begin. Drew and Mikayla were very well behaved during our trip, and I can't wait to take them back next week!

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