On Saturday, June 3, 2006 at 3:00, Rising Star Dance Company held it's sixth annual recital. Of course this was Mikayla's first recital, and we had been anxiously awaiting this since she first started taking dance at the beginning of March. She has picked up really quickly and has learned a lot in this short amount of time! Mommy, Daddy, Drew, Mimi, and Poppi were all in attendance to celebrate this with Mikayla! Mikayla and I had to be there at 1:30 so I waited until we got there to dress her. I was so afraid that something would happen to her costume since we had a lot of time before recital started. Once I got her changed into her first costume, she went right into the "holding room" with Miss Haley without crying at all. I was about to go check on her about 2:45 when Miss Haley brought her out carying her tights and shoes. I thought she had had an accident, but Miss Haley assured me she had made it to the potty but some had still gotten on her tights. We went back and put some new tights on her and she was good as new - ready to go! Then I went back to the auditorium to wait on Daddy, Drew, Mimi, and Poppi. The recital started promptly at 3:00, and it wasn't long before Mikayla's class danced on stage for her first song. 
Mikayla is the one on the far right in the blue. The lollipop stayed in front of her face for almost the entire song. Craig asked "why is she holding that in front of her face?". This was her first time ever for her to be on stage in front of a large group of people.
Again, Mikayla tries to do just what the other girls are doing. Some of the steps she could be seen doing before the other girls which helped Mommy realize she was learning the steps, not just watching her friends the whole time!
Mikayla dances her ballet routine with the other girls from her class. Again, she is the one on the far right in the pink.
Then we had a little while to wait for the finale so that we could see our little Mikayla on the stage again. We were so proud of how well she was doing - all the girls were doing a terrific job. For most of the girls in Mikayla's class this was their first year taking dance! We were so proud of them all! Blogger is being a pest right now and will not let me upload any more phots, so I will try posting another post showing some pictures of the finale and of Mikayla getting her trophy!

Mikayla is the one on the far right in the blue. The lollipop stayed in front of her face for almost the entire song. Craig asked "why is she holding that in front of her face?". This was her first time ever for her to be on stage in front of a large group of people.

Then we had a little while to wait for the finale so that we could see our little Mikayla on the stage again. We were so proud of how well she was doing - all the girls were doing a terrific job. For most of the girls in Mikayla's class this was their first year taking dance! We were so proud of them all! Blogger is being a pest right now and will not let me upload any more phots, so I will try posting another post showing some pictures of the finale and of Mikayla getting her trophy!
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