This Christmas started out like no other as it was the earliest we have ever put our tree up - my family thought I was crazy to put the tree up before Thanksgiving, but I couldn't wait. This was also the first Christmas that Drew and Mikayla have had trees in their rooms - Drew a blue one and Mikayla a pink one. Our family also met Holiday for the first time this year. Who is Holiday you may be asking? Our Elf on a Shelf! Drew and Mikayla had a wonderful time searching for Holiday each morning as he returned from visiting Santa at the North Pole. Another first for this year? A White Christmas for our family in SC!! We were over at my mom and dad's (also known as Mimi and Poppi) for one of our many family get-together's of the season on Christmas Day when the snow started falling. It was absolutely beautiful - breathtaking, really. The kids loved the sight of snow and had a lot of fun playing in it as it was falling. We also enjoyed a yummy dinner, and presents while there.
Once it started sticking, we headed home so they could play more. They didn't get to play much as both Drew and Mikayla were asleep by 7:00. I guess that's what happens when you are up at 5 am to find what Santa brought!! The favorites this year were an iPod Touch and PSP for Drew and a Barbie Doll mansion (that is bigger than her) and a DSi for Mikayla. Mommy wonders if they have really been that good?!?!
The Saturday before Christmas, we had our annual get-together at my Grandma's house (my dad's mom). We enjoyed fellowship with family, finger foods, and presents. We had so much fun with the family, and these are memories we will always treasure!
On Christmas Eve, we went to Mimi and Poppi's house for our annual Brannon get-together where we also celebrate my sister, Jennie's, birthday. We had hot dogs for dinner that my Uncle Ted brought from the Hot Dog Cafe. We enjoyed laughing and playing with Mimi, Poppi, Uncle Jonathan, Mindy, Conor, Jackson, Rylee, Aunt Jennie, and BJ. We also were overwhelmed with gifts, and we enjoyed the BEST "birthday cake" dessert pizza ever that my mom made!
Daddy opens his gift from Mommy!
Doesn't he look sharp?
Uncle Jonathan, Mindy, Conor, Jackson, and Rylee love their gifts.
Drew and Mikayla open some of theirs.
Drew, Conor, and Jackson - my whole family can tell these two boys apart, including my own two children. For some reason, I have the most trouble with that. All I know is they are both sweet, sweet boys!
BJ, Aunt Jennie, and sweet Rylee.
Craig and Daddy having a discussion!
Mimi looks on as Drew and Mik open gifts.
Rylee shows off her Barbie - while she carries all of "Rylee's suckers".
Mikayla (and Drew) are excited about this gift!
Craig finally smiles for the camera!
Rylee shows off her fingernails that Mikayla painted.
Me and Conor (I think) are building a tower.
Rylee was not a happy girl because she wanted my camera. I LOVE to see her do this - my family laughs because they say I was the "queen" of these tantrums as a little girl. I know that is so hard to believe...
Craig tickles Jackson (I think).
Christmas morning after seeing what Santa dropped off over here, we headed back to Mimi and Poppi's to see what Santa left over there! We then brought all of our goodies home so that we could put them away before heading back for dinner.

Wow! Look at all Santa left for us at Mimi and Poppi's!Today, the day after Christmas, we went to Greenwood to see Nana, Uncle Ovid, Aunt Susan, Katie Beth, Rob, Claudia, Uncle Chris, Aunt Julie, Haston, Uncle Jason, Aunt Angel, Belle, and Ella. We weren't sure if we would be able to go or not because of the snow, but we were fortunate that the roads were not bad. We were so glad to be able to make the trip! We enjoyed laughing and talking, a delicious brunch, and again were overwhelmed with gifts.
Christmas 2010 brought many firsts for our family, but it was also filled with the traditions we have come to love over the years. I am so thankful for the blessings in my life, beginning with my Savior Jesus Christ! He has given me a wonderful, thoughtful husband, a handsome, healthy son, and a beautiful, healthy daughter! I am also blessed with the best mom and dad in the world, and a mother-in-law who is precious! The rest of our family and friends are such a blessing in our lives as well! Happy Birthday, Jesus, and thank You for the greatest gift ever!!
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