This past fall, Drew played fall baseball. In fact, as we were walking to our car after the last game of his spring tournament, he said "I want to play fall ball." We talked to Drew and explained that he couldn't play soccer (he had played the previous two falls) and baseball, so he would have to choose. He chose baseball, so we signed him up to play for
Spartanburg since
BSYAA did not offer fall ball last year. Because of Drew's birthday and because
Spartanburg does not use pitching machines, Drew played in coach's pitch (overhand). His team was the Dodgers, and it was made up of other kids from the Boiling Springs area! Drew had fun and he played well. I think this has started a new tradition...in fact, Drew said this year that he would like to play baseball all year. I think he is well on his way to that wish since it is now June and we are still playing ball!! We love every minute of it, though!!

Drew runs to first after getting a good hit!

It is hard to tell from this picture, but Drew is running up to catch this guy's pop fly. Drew was able to run it down and catch it for the out!!

The boys were playing defense.

Drew played first base during fall ball, and he did an awesome job!!

Our cute "baseball king"!!

We didn't win many games during fall ball, but Drew was glad to be out there playing nonetheless!!
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