On October 24, 2009, Craig and I took the kids to Enchanted Tracks!! The kids and I had gone with friends the year before, and they had a ball so I looked up the dates and made plans for our family to return. It is held at the Pavilion Recreation Center in
Taylors, on the field in the middle of the "tracks" - train tracks that is! Hence the name - Enchanted Tracks. It is a family friendly fall festival that includes games, inflatables, food, drinks, a train ride, an Enchanted Trail with characters, and more!! There is nothing scary about it so it is just right for small children.

Drew and
Mikayla both love the Enchanted Trail!
Mik and Drew get candy from

and an apple from Snow White!!
Mikayla and Drew also enjoyed getting their faces painted this year. Last year, the line was too long for this and the balloon art so we missed it.

Drew gets a spider and a snake.
Mikayla gets a rainbow and a crown. Is anyone surprised by either of their choices??

Waiting for the train ride - watching it enter the station!! I didn't get any pictures of us on the train because we were all riding.
Mikayla sat with me in front and Craig and Drew were in the seat directly behind us. We laughed the whole way around the track.

Drew had lots of fun playing the games - especially this "spin the wheel" game, and the putting game!!

The very last thing we did was get in line for balloon art! Drew and
Mikayla were thrilled about this - Craig and I not so much because it was a slow moving line. By the time it was our turn, there were only 5 children left. The balloon artist, however, made it very much worth our wait.
Mikayla holds her toothbrush that he made for her - he told her it was perfect for her because she was missing teeth.
Mikayla thought that was sweet of him!

For Drew - a "monster" costume, complete with a head that sports one eyeball, a long red tongue, and arms and "claws" that Drew could move using the pieces he is holding in his hands. In all my life, I've never seen balloon art like that. It was definitely worth the wait!! We had so much fun as a family at Enchanted Tracks and we can't wait to go there again!!
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