Last Saturday, Drew had his first soccer game of the year! He was so excited he could hardly wait! His team had gotten their whole uniforms (we are red/white this year), and you can see the shorts and socks below. Unfortunately, they mixed up our shirts and they were all the wrong sizes. These are temperary shirts until ours come in hopefully this week. It didn't bother Drew or the other guys in the least, as they were just so excited to finally be playing a game. We have been practicing since the beginning of August.
Drew gets ready to kick-off!
My beautiful girl watches her brother play!
Drew lines up to kick-off in the second half.
All the boys played very well. Drew scored the first goal for his team!! Our team ended up losing the game 5 - 2, but our boys had so much fun playing and they played hard. We were so proud of how well our boys played together as a team. Both Drew and Zachary scored points for our team! We were cheering like crazy during the whole game!
Drew has another game today, and we can't wait to see how this one goes!
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