Drew played another soccer game last Saturday, September 13 (I am one week behind - look for this week's game coming soon). We were scheduled to bring snacks to this game and it started at 1:00. I was worried about our children playing in the heat of the day, so I slathered sunscreen on both Drew and Mikayla and we headed to the fields. Craig wasn't far behind us with the cooler for the snacks and drinks. We were playing the number one team in the league, and Drew's friend Josh was on the other team. Drew and Josh were on the same soccer team last year and they were also in the same class at school. It was a hard fought game with our guys scoring 2 goals right away. Then the other team came back and scored 3 goals so they were up by one. Then, Drew scores a goal to tie the game! I was so proud of Drew and all of our boys for playing hard in this game. They could have given up, but neither team did. They kept playing hard. Drew only scored one goal the whole season last year (that might have something to do with him always wanting to play goalie), but this year he has already scored 2 goals, one in each game we have played!
This was such a great game, and it was a nail biter to the end! With AYSO, rank is based on a point system. You get so many points for a win, so many for a tie, none for a loss, but your team also gets points if your coach or another parent volunteers as a ref. I was happy with a tie because our team was able to get some points! Go Drew - keep playing hard! We are still trying to come up with a name for our team...
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