Last Friday night, June 6th, Mikayla had dress rehearsal for her recital. Mikayla loves to dance, especially on a big stage so she was very excited to be here. She wanted Friday to be the recital I think and she kept asking if everyone was coming to watch her. I reassured her that yes, tomorrow, everyone would come to watch her, but that tonight was just practice and it would be just she and I. Craig and Drew went to Craig cousin, Katie Beth's, graduation party that night. Mikayla and I were sad that we missed it, but we had lots of fun (and hard work for Miki) at rehearsal. We had to be there at 5 and with Mikayla rehearsing for her 6 dances this year, we didn't leave until after 8.

Mikayla and all of the other dancers rehearse the finale first!

Timothy and Mikayla practice her jazz dance to "Wild Thing".
Mikayla had lots of fun, and she couldn't wait for Saturday so she could get her make-up and glitter on!!
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