Last Saturday, June 14th, we celebrated Drew's birthday early. We invited his friends to the skating rink where he decided he wanted to have his party! Drew had such a fun time, and his friends seemed to enjoy it a lot as well! I am posting a few different pictures from the party, but some of them are dark because of the lighting in the skating rink.
Drew Garrett and Bryson take a break from their game of "chase".
Breanna and Allison skate around the rink!
Drew and his friends do the "hokey - pokey"! Mommy participated in this as well with some of the other mommies. We shared a lot of smiles and laughs.
Mikayla looks on as Drew blows out his candles. He decided he wanted to eat the baseball cake that I had made for him. I got many, many compliments on the cake's appearance first and I was a little worried when Drew first suggested we eat that cake instead of the store-bought one. I got several more compliments, though, on the taste - even from the kids. I was breathing a huge sigh of relief when I heard those!!
Drew's friends look on as he opens his gifts. He was super excited about all of the gifts he received! We have an amazing circle of friends and I'm so glad our children will all grow up together. We missed some of our friends as they weren't able to be there because of family vacations. That's the only downfall to a summer birthday.
Bryson, Allison, and Cameron enjoy skating when they first arrived!
Tyler talks to his mom as he takes a break from skating!
Miss Amy helps Trevyr skate - by the end of the party he was zippin' around on his own!
Mikayla and Jadyn skate around the rink!
Drew had a fantastic time at his birthday party!! He loves to skate and he loved having his family and friends join him at the skating rink! Happy "early" Birthday baby boy. We will celebrate as a family on your "real" birthday, and who knows, Poppi keeps "hinting" that you may even have another party...
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