Monday, June 30, 2008
Hair Cuts!
VBS Commencement!
Happy Birthday Tyler!
All About Space
Drew gets to feel a "gravitational pull". I could not talk Mikayla into having a turn with this!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Vacation Bible School!!
Happy Birthday Adam!
I have gotten behind with my posting, and with us doing something every day, it is very hard to catch up. I will attempt to catch up tonight (and this weekend)! Last Saturday, we attended Adam's birthday party at the skating rink. You may remember Drew's party was held there the Saturday before last and we will be there tomorrow for Tyler's party. 3 Saturdays in a row at the skating rink and Drew couldn't be happier. Mikayla not so much as she doesn't like the "big" skates - I keep telling her that the only way to learn is to practice but she doesn't want anything to do with them!
Drew won cotton candy - they always spin a bowling pin after the "hokey pokey" and whoever it "lands" on wins candy. The first time Drew ever won was last week at his party (but I had them give the candy to Garrett who was sitting next to Drew because the birthday child always gets a bag anyway - Drew got very upset about this until he realized that he was getting a bag too!), so I couldn't believe it when it landed on him again this week. Mr. Gerald said Drew had to share with his sister though before he gave him the bag - Drew didn't mind! Look at that smile! We had a wonderful time at Adam's party - Happy Birthday Adam!