I have made several posts about pets that we have had. I wanted to introduce you to Molly. She is a nine month old C
ocker Spaniel who is absolutely precious. We
received her from Pam, who works with Craig. She is house-broken, doesn't chew, listens very well, etc. We got her this past Wednesday night, and we love her! Drew and
Mikayla took right to her, and she to them. She is very sweet with them, even when they like to get close to her. You can tell it makes her a little nervous, but she doesn't growl or bark, she just moves away. We have talked to Drew and
Mikayla about being easy with her because of her size, and they have done an excellent job! She reminds me so much of my Brandi I had at my mom and dad's house, and we hope Molly is a part of our family for many years to come!
yeah- dogs and kids just go together- and what a wonderful learning experience for the kids on how to care for an animal.
Congrats on your new addition :)
What a friendly looking dog!
so absolutely adorable!! Congratulations to you!! I'm envious :)
What an adorable little pup! Molly looks right at home. Congratulations on the new addition to your family!
Ya'll are so lucky to get such a sweet puppy that is already trained! It took us two years to train our dog...we even enrolled him at PetSmart classes. (He's officially a "dog school" dropout. Well at five, he's finally a great dog.
That is so neat for your family!
Alison, she's beautiful!!
Congratulations to your entire family and to Molly for walking into an amazing home full of great people!
I love Cocker Spaniels! What a cutie. Congrats on the new addition.
Hi Alison,
I've got my post up about the wonderful awards you sent me. Again, Thank you so much!!
Please stop by. I have something for you on my blog. Here's my new blog site:
Alison....is everything ok? There have been no new posts from you in over a week and you haven't commented on my blog either....I'm worried about you! I hope everything is ok, but just in case, I'm praying for you right now. Other than a vacation, I don't know much that would keep you away so long, if not bad news.
Let's hear from you soon, ok? And I'll be praying for all of you until then!
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