Drew was assigned his very first school project last Friday, October 12th to be turned in this past Friday, October 19th. The directions were to make a "space creature". It could be any kind of creature the students wanted it to be, but it had to be made from the geometrical shapes they would be studying this past week - sphere, cylinder, cone, cube, and rectangular prism. His teachers (Mrs. Mitchell, and Ms. Wagoner) encouraged them to use items from around their house. Drew decided that he wanted to make a dinosaur, specifically a Tyrannosaurus Rex - one of his favorite things at the moment. Drew was so excited about this project and kept insisting that we finish it the Friday it was assigned. I was thankful because I don't want him to procrastinate, but at the same time I encouraged him to take at least part of the week so we (they said they needed parents' help) could do our best. The teacher in me told me that whatever Drew decided to do, I wanted him to use all the shapes to make it. Once he decided on a T-Rex, we helped him find things to use to make it. Drew loves to paint so he decided that he would like to paint his dinosaur - black, green, and blue. We used a cube (Styrofoam to hold plants) for the body, and cylinders (Pringles' cans) for the legs. We used cylinders (toilet paper rolls) for the arms, and a rectangular prism (tissue box) for the head. We used cones (Candy Corn) for the teeth, and spheres (Jaw Breakers) for the eyes. Drew painted all the pieces that were to be painted first, then he helped to assemble his T-Rex. He was so proud of his creature, and he got a great response from teachers and other students at school. Drew loved this project - hopefully he will embrace all of his school projects like this...
Wow! This is really great! Drew is really creative and what a great learning tool.
This is a very fun post! I love that he wanted to do it right away. I understand both sides of 'doing it right now' and 'giving yourself time to prepare'. I sometimes get all my ideas as soon as the project is brought to my mind. If I don't atleast start writing it all, the thoughts come and then go. So I sometimes jump straight away and get things going. However, I am a HUGE procrastinator. I even refer to myself as the 'Procrastination Queen"! I tend to put off things that I don't feel passionate about and even find that I never complete them. So if he wants to do it, then maybe he has all those ideas brewing, who knows! I'm just glad he did so well and like you, hope he continues to approach his studies that way.
On a side note, in what way is a dinosaur a 'space creature'? LOLOLOL Dinosaurs were real LOL too funny!!!
My son would love a project like this. He is so into making things. Looks like yours did a great job!
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