**Look for more pictures of our Halloween adventures tomorrow...
I saw where Becca, Holly, Sandee, and Barb were also awarded by Bridget - you all are deserving in my eyes as well!
Super Sweet Holly, over at Mama Pajama has awarded me with the Candied Apple Award! She thinks I'm one of the sweetest people she knows. Wow!! Holly is such a sweet person, it sure means a lot that she thinks the same of me!! I'd like to pass this along to s'more super sweet people (get it?).
My friends Becca, at BeccA's Buzz and Holly, at Mama Pajama have also given me the Community Blogger Award. This award celebrates people who reach out and make the blogger community a better one. You both sure know how to make a girl feel special!! If you've never visited their blogs you should check them out - you are in for a real treat! Now for the fun part, I tag the following people who truly make the blogger community a better one:
Mikayla rode the roller coaster all by herself twice, and loved it. Check out that smile!
Drew likes the helicopters because they really "fly".
I LOVE Drew's face in this picture! It's like he's thinking "come on daddy do you have to act like that?" Everyone that knows Drew knows that he acts just like his daddy. In fact, his teacher said that to me today!
Here Drew and Mikayla ride the roller coaster together. They like to ride in front whenever possible, and they like to hold their hands up. Drew still doesn't look like he's having much fun here, but I promise he enjoyed himself!
Jennie and Mimi take a break as Drew and Mikayla enjoy the rides!
Mimi and Poppi look on with Drew and Mikayla as they see what the "new" bumper boats are all about!
Of course they both had to try them, and loved them! I don't think they wanted to get out. The whole time I was thinking I would not want to be the operator of this ride - they had to stand in the pool the whole time and help the boats move around.
One of my favorite pictures from the night. They were riding the boats that go around on a track (like the motorcycles) and just before the ride stopped I looked and they had their arms around each other (where they criss-crossed in the back), and I just had to get a picture! My children are perfect by no means, but when they are sweet, they are super, duper sweet!
Mikayla rode the "drop zone" for the first time this year. Drew was going to ride beside her, but decided to get off before the ride started. This is normally one of his favorites, so I'm thinking he was getting tired. Mikayla didn't mind riding by herself (without Drew), and rode it again and again. I think this was her favorite ride of the night. In the photo above she made a new friend while riding, and in the one below she is being brave (holding her arms up). This was hilarious to watch. She would hold her hands up while the ride went up but as soon as it dropped (more like bounced) down, she would grab the bar and scream! Too Cute!
Ooohhh my mom is going to get me for putting this picture on here, but I couldn't resist one of them eating. Part of the reason I LOVE going to the fair is for the food. My uncle has been at the fair the past two years selling food (he owns The Hot dog Cafe here in town), and we enjoy some of his.
After we ate it was time to see the animals - another one of my favorite parts. Drew and Mikayla look at the cows first!
Next we see the horses. Mikayla is telling Drew "he is gonna bite you"! He didn't bite. I think all the animals could smell the mustard/food on Drew's clothes because none were afraid of getting very close to him.
We all had a super time at the fair, and Mikayla was already asking to go back last night! I am glad we went when we did though because we saw last night/this morning on the news that they had raised the rates. When we went, it cost 5 dollars each for Craig and myself because we weren't riding anything. We paid 14 dollars each for Drew and Mikayla so they could have unlimited rides. We saw that as of yesterday, everyone paid 14 dollars to get in whether they rode rides or not. We saved 28 dollars just by going a day early. If they continue with those prices we may have to find another annual tradition...
This video came to me via email from one of my parents. I loved it so much, I thought I would post it here for all the mommys. Have a good laugh - feel free to share with your husbands, I did (he thinks he has it so tough)! :)
Yesterday evening we went to Mimi and Poppi's house for supper. Drew climbed in the bed of Craig's truck as it was parked in the drive-way. Mikayla started asking to put the tailgate down. Drew, being the helpful big brother that he is, leaned over to open the tailgate (leaning on the tailgate as he did this). When the tailgate went down so did Drew. First, on his belly on the tailgate and then falling head first onto the drive-way. Craig and I were directly beside the truck but we couldn't get to the back in time to catch him. I was fearing the worst as I picked him up, as he had landed on his face (I thought it would be covered in blood). Luckily there was only minor marks on his face, but he immediately starts crying that his arm is broken. We took him in the house and got him to hold a bag of ice on it. When he was still favoring the arm after an hour or so and he wouldn't/couldn't move it much, we decided he needed to have it x-rayed. Craig brought Mikayla and I home because we weren't sure how long they would be at the emergency room. After x-rays the doctor determined that he had a bad sprain, and put his arm in this sling. Drew was still in some pain today, and he was still favoring that arm some. I told Craig to ask the doctor/nurse what we could do to limit his injuries - her response - "oh I'm afraid you've just begun, he is a boy". That didn't help me to feel better in the least. I am just so thankful he was not injured more - this accident could have been a lot worse!