The team huddle before the game. Today was Drew's first soccer game. His game was scheduled to start at 12:00, but the 11:00 game ran over, so we didn't officially start until 12:20. Here we are at the soccer fields with the midday sun shining directly on us. I immediately regretted my forgetfulness as I didn't apply sunscreen to either of the kids. It's so hard to tell when they are getting sunburned because they are like me, and their skin reddens when they get hot. Lucky for us games only last 1 hour so it wasn't like we were out there all day. Another parent on our team remembered she had an umbrella in her car, and she graciously let us use it to shade Mikayla (and Drew during breaks). We were so thankful for that kind gesture, and I'm happy to report that neither are sunburned. I wish I could say the same for me - my scalp is red (where my hair parts), and also my right arm (my left one must have been under the umbrella?). It's not bad though, and I'll be fine! Just glad my angels aren't burned!!! Note to self: On game days, not only do we need lots of water and blankets to sit on (which we had today), but also sunscreen and a big umbrella!! We have learned so much about this game already...

During the first quarter, Drew played goalie. He didn't get much action though, as our kids kept the ball at the other end of the field for the most part!

The next quarter Drew played forward (I think this is correct, I still am not too sure of the positions). He loves playing goalie, but he also loves to run after the ball! It's great that all the kids get a chance to play goalie!!
Drew sat out the third quarter - because we have 7 players two sit out each quarter. I love this, too, because it gives the kids a chance to rest during the game!
Drew was back in the game for the fourth quarter, and SCORED the last goal of the game!! GO DREW!! We were ecstatic - this is Drew's first year playing, so we thought it might take him awhile to get the rules of the game. Poppi, Jennie, daddy, mommy, and Mikayla were there to cheer him on. His face after he scored was priceless. He turned from the goal to me and said (with two thumbs up) "I got it in!!" Drew's team won their first game 3 - 0. We were so proud of the teamwork that these boys displayed!! Gooo Tiger Sharks!!
Both teams played well! It was an awesome game to watch. Did I say I didn't like watching soccer?? It's different with your child on the field!!
Sounds like a new soccer mom is born!
Welcome to the wonderful world of soccer! I grew up playing it, and I love love love watching my nieces and nephew play now! Don't worry, you'll learn the rules pretty quickly. :-)
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