Sunday, September 30, 2007
Harvest Fest 2007
4th Soccer Game
In the other two quarters (he sat our second quarter) that Drew played in, he played forward. He enjoys this part as well, as he gets to run and try to score! We all enjoy cheering him on!
Fun at the Park!
Friday, September 28, 2007
I am fantastic! I always love Fridays - but our weekends tend to get a little busy with activities. This weekend we have a soccer game and Mikayla is dancing so...
Soup: Name 3 television shows you watch on a regular basis.
This is a hard one because I don't watch much TV. I very seldom miss an episode of Big Brother when it is on. I like Survivor also, and I also watch CSI Miami pretty regularly.
Salad: What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced?
A bad thunderstorm where a tornado warning was issued. We didn't see a tornado (thank goodness), but usually just a warning is enough to get me anxious! My family (mom, dad, sister, brother) lived in Myrtle Beach when Hurricane Hugo hit, but we didn't stay through it.
Main Course: If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be?
Dessert: What do you usually wear to sleep?
My pajamas
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Positive Post Cards
PTA/Open House
Monday, September 24, 2007
Heads or Tails

Sunday, September 23, 2007
New Pocketbook??
Soccer Game Number 3
Drew was upset on the way home that his team had lost, but when I asked if he had fun, he responded "YES". I reminded him that having fun was most important. He is so competitive that sometimes he forgets...
It was a great game, and Tracy (Trey's dad) even commented after the game that we had a "strong little kicker" on our hands. That made me smile...
Picture of Daddy's Truck
Fun at the Park!
So, this Thursday we went back to the park before dance class and BOTH Drew and Mikayla were able to play!! They both had a wonderful week at school, with Drew getting a "good note" every day! They both are doing well academically as well - Drew making A's and B's on everything, and Mikayla learning to read! They both had so much fun at the park! There was a little girl there that Mikayla was trying to "mama". She even said "I wanna take her home" - like she was a baby doll or something. Drew took his soccer ball and shared it with several little boys who were there. I wish I had remembered my camera - they were so sweet! Oh well, maybe we will have another great week and we'll be able to go to the park again...
Exercise Class
Jonathan and Jessica's Game
Am I Cut Out for This?
Still Here
Friday, September 21, 2007
Friday's Feast!
Soup: When was the last time you got a free lunch (or breakfast or dinner)? Who paid for it?
Salad: On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how emotional are you?
Main Course: Approximately how long do you spend each day responding to emails?
Dessert: To what temperature do you usually set your home’s thermostat?
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Heads or Tails
3. Laundry that is washed, folded, and put away (again by someone other than me)!!!!!
4. Cleaned, swept, and mopped bathroom - could be either one, you choose (again...get the picture?)
5. A night out at one of my favorite restaurants.
This list could go on and on really, although funny how it has changed over the years. 8 years ago this list would have read 1. roses/flowers, 2. jewelry, 3. chocolates, etc.
I give Craig a hard time about helping around the house and such, but I really don't have much to complain about. He is a terrific husband, and wonderful father, and I'm quite lucky to have him!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Daddy's New Truck
6 year and 4 year check - ups
Even with this possibitly, we know that we are very blessed to have 2 beautiful, healthy children, and for that we give God all the glory.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
2nd Soccer Game
Saturday, September 15, 2007
First Week of Dance!
There Goes Another Tooth!
Friday, September 14, 2007
I Got an Award!

This award goes to...
1. Becca - She always leaves the sweetest comments on my blog that surely make me smile. I am always sure to find something on her blog that brings a smile to my face when I visit (at least once per day)!
2. Nicole - Another mom who makes me smile daily! Her children are older, and I enjoy reading about her experiences.
3. Renee - Her comments are always sweet, and her blog is wonderful! Another that makes me smile daily!
Congratulations ladies!! Take your award and pass it on to at least 3 others!
Friday's Feast
Soup: On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how ambitious are you?
Salad: Make a sentence using the letters of a body part. (Example: (mouth) My other ukelele tings healthily.)
Main Course: If you were to start a club, what would the subject matter be, and what would you name it?
Dessert: What color is the carpet/flooring in your home?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Heads or Tails
This was a day in our history that we will NEVER forget! I am so thankful for our service men and women - those who were courageous on 9/11/01 and went into the towers (risking their own lives) to save others, and those who are fighting overseas presently.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
First Soccer Game!
The next quarter Drew played forward (I think this is correct, I still am not too sure of the positions). He loves playing goalie, but he also loves to run after the ball! It's great that all the kids get a chance to play goalie!!
Drew sat out the third quarter - because we have 7 players two sit out each quarter. I love this, too, because it gives the kids a chance to rest during the game!
Drew was back in the game for the fourth quarter, and SCORED the last goal of the game!! GO DREW!! We were ecstatic - this is Drew's first year playing, so we thought it might take him awhile to get the rules of the game. Poppi, Jennie, daddy, mommy, and Mikayla were there to cheer him on. His face after he scored was priceless. He turned from the goal to me and said (with two thumbs up) "I got it in!!" Drew's team won their first game 3 - 0. We were so proud of the teamwork that these boys displayed!! Gooo Tiger Sharks!!
Both teams played well! It was an awesome game to watch. Did I say I didn't like watching soccer?? It's different with your child on the field!!
Friday, September 07, 2007
Friday's Feast!
Soup: What is your favorite part about the season of Autumn?
Salad: Have you ever had any bad experiences online?
Main Course: Name three things that make you happy daily.
Dessert: What one household cleansing or organizing item would you not want to be without?
Clorox Clean-up
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Exercise Class
My goal for the next two weeks (we are going to assess after four weeks) is to make better decisions regarding my eating. Some days I go all day on nothing until I get home and have supper. I know this is not healthy and it is not helping me shed any pounds either. My goal these next two weeks is to get a good breakfast in - not worry so much about lunch (we have 30 minutes and by the time I get my kids seated and things opened for them, well, that time is just gone), and then eat a balanced supper. I also have got to start drinking more water. Ok, so if my brain knows these things why can't I get my arms/mouth to follow??
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I've Been Tagged!!
The rules: list the 5 best nights that you can recall and then tag four other people and see if the meme can continue. She says she thinks she knows what 3 of mine will be - I wonder if she's right?
Now, for the tag...
1. Becca
2. Mama Pajama
3. Nicole
4. Skittles
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Heads or Tails?
I could go on and on about school - lol - wonder why? I think I'll start by mentioning one of my favorite teachers when I was in school. She was my first grade teacher and her name was Mrs. Turney. She was kind, fair, and made you feel like you were the most important thing in her classroom! She was always positive (at least in my memories), but she expected us to give our best on every assignment. She is part of the reason I chose teaching as my profession. I wanted to be just like her when I grew up - and now I have that wonderful opportunity! More on that later...
Another reason school is near and dear to my heart is because as of this year, both of mine are at the school with me every day! It is wonderful to be able to see school through the eyes of my children! You see it all the good, the bad, the ugly. My personal experience in school was a positive one (like you couldn't figure that out - would I want to be there every day if it wasn't). I got in trouble for talking (imagine that), but that was the extent of it. I love watching the reactions of my children as they learn something new, complain about homework (okay so maybe I don't love this one at the time), and talk about the friends they've made. Oh, to be a kid again...
I have the opportunity to go to school every day! It is such a challenging career, but I also feel it is one of the most rewarding! I get to make a difference in the lives of children, our future, every day! I thought I would share an acrostic poem:
S - students - Would it be school without them?
C - community - Schools should be communities made up of learners - where everyone learns.
H - helping - Helping each other be the best we can be (students, faculty, parents, etc.).
O - observant - Hopefully everyone in the "community" is observant of students' needs.
O - overachievers - I strive to have a classroom full of these - help students find a desire to learn, a desire to achieve!
L - love learning - In my book most important. I want my students to be life-long learners!!
WOW - this was fun!! Hopefully I didn't bore you too much! When it comes to school/learning I could talk ALL day!!
To see how others responded, or to get started on your own Heads or Tails, click on over to Skittles' Place. Thank you Skittles for another great topic!! Happy Tuesday!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Happy Labor Day

Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time tonight! Craig recovered once the time clock of the game read 00:00 and the scoreboard showed Clemson had won!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Mikayla's Birthday Party
I love this picture! Their faces show how much fun they were having in the pool! Mikayla had her yellow float on, but when Bree got their and had "swimmies" on, Mikayla wanted her "swimmies" on too.
The girls - well some of them... The little ones had a ball playing with Lauren and Samantha in the pool!
The boys being boys!
After swimming, it was time for pizza - the adults enjoyed some too!
After pizza, Mikayla opened her gifts.
Then it was time for cake and ice cream. Mikayla wanted to cut the cake from the bakery first because she wanted to "save my castle for home".