The kids and I arrived in Myrtle Beach at 10:00 Monday morning. After a quick sandwich for lunch we headed out to the ocean and pool.
Nana (Craig's mom, Jean) and Mikayla on the beach. Mikayla wasn't too sure about getting in the ocean at first, but the longer we were out there the braver she became. By the time we were out there Wednesday morning, she couldn't wait to get in that water!
Drew loves to ride the "boogie boards" - every year he has the most fun on these!
Of course they loved the pool as well!
After playing in the ocean and pool on Monday, Nana took Drew, Mikayla, and I out to Cici's and then we headed out to Target - Nana wanted to get swim shirts for Drew, Mikayla, and Trey (Drew and Mikayla's cousin). While in Target, Drew and Mikayla wanted to hold Nana's hand but because she was looking, I had them hold mine. Well, with this they both started to cry scream I WANT MY NANA. Not wanting to bother everyone else in the store more than we already had, I took Drew and Mikayla out to the van (screaming the whole way) and let Nana finish her shopping. Something I found interesting, and also alarming: the whole time we were trying to make it to the exit (to me it felt like hours, but in reality it only took moments), the workers there were looking at me like I was stealing these children, but no one ever questioned me. I guess they could tell by the mortified look on my face, that this was not something I would choose to be doing. One of the workers walking directly in front of us stuck her fingers in her ears - all I could think was please let me get out of this store. After all the excitement (can you hear the sarcasm?) I was exhausted and furious. If I hadn't been, we probably would have left right then and headed home. They were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow Monday night!
My mom thinks this is just hilarious, and she wishes she could have been a fly on the wall. She will never let me forget the time she took me and my brother Jonathan out for our first outing after he was born - I had just turned 2. We went to Eckerds and I started pitching a fit because I couldn't have a book (she says I already had that one). She jerked me up off the floor and popped my tail. Then this little older lady walked by and said "poor, poor baby". She tells me this was my pay back. Well, for the record, I have been paid in full!
My mom thinks this is just hilarious, and she wishes she could have been a fly on the wall. She will never let me forget the time she took me and my brother Jonathan out for our first outing after he was born - I had just turned 2. We went to Eckerds and I started pitching a fit because I couldn't have a book (she says I already had that one). She jerked me up off the floor and popped my tail. Then this little older lady walked by and said "poor, poor baby". She tells me this was my pay back. Well, for the record, I have been paid in full!
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