Thursday, July 26, 2007

Friday Feast #153

Appetizer: Describe a toy you remember from your childhood.

I had a 2 foot tall plastic baby doll that was one of my favorites. I even gave her a nice hair cut (scalped) when I was about 5. What do you expect? I had watched my mom cut people's hair my whole life!

Soup: On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest) how observant are you?

I would say 8, but my sister would probably say 3 (she blames it on my blond hair). I'm pretty observant, a few things do slip by me though.

Salad: Where would you rather be at this very moment?

on a cruise - something I've always wanted to do and something we plan to do soon

Main Course: When was the last time you learned something new?

Today - I learned that my daughter really, really, really doesn't like the way the polishing paste at the dentist office tastes. I'm sure I learned many other things (more educational) today as well, but I can't recall anything at the moment.

Dessert: Fill in the blank: I have ____________ but I haven’t ____________.

I have visited many places in the United States, but I haven't visited any other countries.


Anonymous said...

I just scrolled down to read your post about the dentist. Your kids are so cute. Glad you learned that about your daughter not liking the paste. Great feast!

Anonymous said...

i think i'd like to join you with your salad...

Ingrid said...

I would like to be on a cruise too !!

Anonymous said...

I've never been on a cruise, but I think I'd like to try once. I could have answered the dessert the same way you did -- I haven't been to any foreign countries, either. Funny about you imitating your mom cutting hair!

Eleisia said...

A cruise sounds fantastic. Enjoy!

I haven't been to any foreign countries either but have been all over the United States.

Your kids are darling. They look like you!

Annie said...

Great feast, happy Friday!
My Life as Annie!

Juzahlyn said...

would love to be on a cruise too but I don't think hubby would want too since he lives in a ship for six long months lol..great feast

Mine's up too

JHS said...

Hi there! I'm with your daughter . . . I hate that pasty stuff at the dentist's office.

Thanks for stopping by! :-)

Anonymous said...

A cruise sure sounds good to me... so my Salad could be changed to: in the arms of a wonderful man, on the upper deck of a cruise ship. How's that for dreaming!

Come join me at my table and enjoy my feast.

The Gal Herself said...

I can certainly see why the new info about polishing paste is top of mind for you!

I tried to leave a comment yesterday on your post about the license tag (what a lovely gesture!) but the link wouldn't work for me. Anyway, did your husband give the kids photo approval? How do they like the tag?

BeccA's Buzz said...

I love the big doll hair cut. I remember doing that, and my mom had a fit! I couldn't understand why she was so upset, it's hair, it'll grow back!!! LOL

Alice said...

I avoid the dentist like a plague... I know it's not good... but but but...

Thanks for the yummy feast! :D

Anonymous said...

Aaww... A visit to the dentist is really something not everyone look forward to.

Happy feasting! Come join mine :)

Susanna said...

Well I imagaine there are enough palces to visit in the States to keep you going for a life time!
A cruise- they always sound so nice........sigh.

Erin said...

Great feast! I've never been on a cruise, that would be a wonderful place to be right now. Hm, ocean and a pina colada : )

Lady of Musotopia said...

Hehe, cute appetizer :) I once tried cutting one of my Barbie's fringes - big mistake! :P
I hope you get to go on your cruise soon!
Thanks for dropping by and also for sharing your feast. I hope you have a great weekend :)

Michelle Quinno said...

haha, love your appetizer! And totally agree on the salad!

Sandee said...

I'm with your daughter on the polishing paste yucky stuff they use. YUCK! Have a great FF and weekend. :)

Anna said...

Thanks for visiting my table.

I have to say, I am with Mikayla on the dentist's paste. Yuck!

Kristine said...

Your kids are adorable! Thanks for dropping by. Have a great weekend!

Misty DawnS said...

Great feast! I'd love to go on a cruise someday too!

Oh - by the way, I really, really, really hate just going to the dentist - period!

Anonymous said...

My dentist is lovely! I have no problem going there...

Thanks for calling in.

Jennie said...

Hey SIS love your was 2 CUTE..yep and you are right I would say you are about a 3 lol!!! It was sooo CUTE!!! Come check mine out!! Luv your sis

Jim Melvin said...

My wife and three of my daughters ilve in Clemson!

Paul and Toni said...

i would love to go on a cruise too!!! great feast! :)

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