Saturday night - like Saturday wasn't busy enough with the parade and pageant- we took the kids to Hollywild Zoo to see the Christmas lights! Craig was just overwhelmed with joy to be going there - ha ha - especially since we waited on the road outside the gate for 40 minutes because it was so crowded. We sure had a good time though, even Jennie went with us this year!
Drew feeds an emu a piece of bread. He is braver than me - but he dropped it before the pointy beak took it from his hands!The emu wanders to mine and Miki's side of the car! Notice Aunt Jennie's hand - she was trying to close the door.
An upclose look at the emu - in all honesty it was more scared of us than we were of it!
Drew and Miki feed the donkey.
Craig feeds the buffalo!
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