You may remember from an earlier post that Drew has basketball practice every Monday. Yesterday was his third practice but it was the first one that I got pictures of! He loves basketball, and he is doing a really good job even though this is his first year playing organized basketball. I love the Upward program - as if you couldn't tell from my earlier post. I even heard today from one of my parents that a church in our community may start Upward football next year. That would be awesome because Drew has been wanting to play football, but this was the first year he was eligible because of his age. We didn't sign him up this year because I had some concerns. With the Upward program I think those concerns would be put to rest. It is not so focused on the competitiveness as much as it is teaching teamwork and such. I think that is more important for children this age. Save the competitiveness for high school. Don't get me wrong - Drew is a very competitive little boy, but we want him to realize that there is more to the game than winning and being the best. It's doing your best that matters! We are very proud of him and all he is learning!
Drew takes a shot over his teammate Bryson. They are best buddies - I am so glad they are on the same team!
This wasn't the end of our fun. After practice, we went to eat with the Mitchells and the Hansmans! Bryson and Blake are in my class this year, and their moms teach at the school with me. Drew is good buddies with them - even though he isn't in the same class, they all get to play together after school! We wish Bryson, Drew, Blake, and Garrett (another little boy from my class) were all on the same team! We had so much fun going out with them. We took up two tables and a booth at the restaurant. It was nice though because we were able to put the three boys (Bryson, Blake, and Drew) on one side of the booth and the girls (Breanna and Mikayla) on the other side. Little Hunter looked on as though he was thinking just give me time! The adults enjoyed some great - often times hilarious (thanks to Richie) conversation, and the kids didn't get too wild! I don't think we ran anyone off, and I think we all agreed that we would do it again! Who knows?? - This may become a Monday night tradition!
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