One of the reading incentives at our school is the student - faculty basketball game. This has been an annual event the last three years. Each teacher chooses one student to participate in the game. This would be a student who is a top reader, and who would enjoy playing. Two different games are scheduled, one for primary age students (K-2nd grade) and one for elementary students (3rd-5th grade). In each game, the students who have been chosen (5-8 at a time) play basketball against a group of 5 teachers/administrators. It is so much fun for all of the students, both those who get to play and those who get to watch. Those who are watching really get into cheering the students on!! This year the game was played last Wednesday, November 1st.
Drew was chosen to play this year for Mrs. Batson and Mrs. Christopher's class! He was super excited to find out, and this was the first thing he told me when I got him on Tuesday afternoon! Even during all of the Halloween festivities Tuesday night, he couldn't help but talk about this game! Drew had a wonderful time playing, and it was great for him to be rewarded for his reading! We are very proud of our TOP READER!!!
Drew waits in line to take his shot during "warm-ups"! He's in the blonde in the blue (almost directly in the middle of the photo).
Drew takes his warm-up shot, and comes really close to making it as our Assistant Principal Mrs. Garner looks on. Our principal, Dr. Menzer, and Assistant Principal Mrs. Pryor get ready to read the names of the players.
The students for the 2006 primary team are introduced! Go Drew!!!
Game on - Drew looks on as another team member gets ready to shoot!
Drew takes one of his shots during the game - you can't see him that well in this picture because he's behind the boy with the red shirt on. Everyone holds their breath! Drew was able to take 3 shots during his game! He scored one basket and came very close to making the other two. We don't keep score during these games, but if you were to ask any student at our school who won, they'd tell you the students!
Faculty and students cheer for the players after their game!
**On a side note, Drew has been asking to play basketball (in an organized league) since last year. Our church does not have an Upward program, but we are scheduled to sign him up to play with another area church this Thursday night. Look for updates about that soon!!
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