Halloween night we took the kids to the big church in our community where they have had Harvest Fest the past several years. They invite everyone in the community as part of their outreach effort. We attend another church in our community, but because our church does not have our fall festival on Halloween, we have attended this one since Drew was little. Craig's brother Chris also attends this church and has invited us every year! They have trunk - or - treat where members decorate the trunks of their cars and give out candy. Some of them even set up games for the children to play. They also have rides and local venders sell food. It is a wonderful activity for the whole family - and it makes for a safe Halloween. We also take Drew and Mikayla trick-or-treating at Mimi and Poppi's and Grandma's each year. Since they really like the rides and games, we don't come home with loads of candy (they don't really eat a lot of candy anyway).

Darth Vadar (aka Drew), and our Bride (aka Mikayla) as we were entering Harvest Fest 2006.
The first ride that Mikayla wanted to ride was these swings. Drew had already gone on an inflatable slide (hence the socks). Look how happy she looks to be on them (this was before they started). Craig kept saying "she won't ride that". Well, he was right! In this next picture you can clearly see that she is not happy. This was taken right before the ride operator stopped the ride so we could get her off.

I think Drew was just amazed! He enjoyed this ride, and stayed on even after Mikayla got off.

Drew loves to shoot basketballs. Wow - what a shot??
Mikayla putts with daddy's help - Hey it's hard to putt a golf ball in a wedding dress!
Mikayla decided she wanted to go through the "fun house" then once she was in the middle of it, she decided she wanted to come out! She decided this about the same time that I took this picture.
Drew didn't miss a beat. Here he is sliding down a huge inflatable fire truck slide!
This was the only ride that Mikayla "completed" all night. Here she rides with Aunt Julie, Drew, and cousin Haston! Craig was going to ride this with them, but Mikayla had other plans. She came out of the gate, grabbed Aunt Julie by the hand, then walked her back to the ride!
Poppi, Mikayla, Drew, and Mimi after we left Harvest Fest! By this point they were both pretty exhausted!
They were able to stay awake for one last stop - across the street to Grandma's house!
We had a busy, yet fun Halloween!!
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