I'm not sure if I've ever posted a picture of Craig and I on here, so on second thought, I decided to add these. They were taken on Thanksgiving at my grandma's house.

Look for more pictures of the children's choir when they perform their complete Christmas Musical on December 17th!
Daddy just loves to have his picture taken - can you tell?
During half time and after the game, Daddy and Craig got the leaves up out of our yard. Daddy had worked that morning, so he was still in his work clothes. Drew and Mikayla enjoyed getting up leaves as well - well more like jumping in them!
Then, Mikayla had to have a turn on Poppi's with Poppi running beside her.
After we ate, we spent most of the day outside. It was unseasonably warm for November, and we enjoyed the beautiful sunshine!Grandma, KK, my cousin Kathy, and her husband Hank pose for a picture!
Daddy and Craig enjoy rocking on the front porch while Aunt Jennie fixes Mikayla's pig tails. She had already taken them down - imagine that!
Drew is seeing how high he can throw - he had fun with all of Grandma's acorns!
Mikayla gets a piece of gum from Mimi. Mimi and Poppi are such softies when it comes to Drew and Mikayla. My mom says they follow directions very well.
While Mikayla gets gum, Drew shows off his collection of acorns. He wanted to bring these home, which of course Grandma was fine with. Mommy and Daddy weren't so sure!
One of my favorite pictures of my dad and Mikayla. She is Poppi's princess for sure!
When Poppi showed that he could climb this tree, you know Drew had to have a turn! Drew thinks there's nothing like his Poppi!
Keyleigh and Mikayla love each other! Keyleigh is the daughter of my cousin Mikie and his wife April! You may remember Keyleigh from a post from last year's Christmas with the title "Twins". They still look so much alike, a lot of people say they could be twins! Too cute if you ask me!
Daddy enjoys the rocking chair as all of the great grands get in on the act of collecting acorns. Aunt Jennie and Uncle Jonathan (my sister and brother) pose for a picture...awwww!
Mikayla, Lexi, and Jadyn wait for their turn on stage. It was soooo cold! The only one missing from this picture is Timothy - he was watching with his mom at the front of the stage!
On stage for her jazz routine. The other three are all the way to the left of the stage, hince only Mikayla in these photos. In the top one you can see that she's smiling and looking at them as she begins the routine. In the bottom one she's still smiling but she is looking around like where is my mom (my mistake - I had moved to the front of the stage to watch and take pictures).
Mikayla got upset so Ms. Nicole joined them onstage.
Ms. Nicole picked Mikayla up and carried her throughout the remainder of the routine. She's just a little bit rotten - you think?
After Mikayla didn't dance in her first routine, I wasn't sure she would dance in the second one. There was one group between her two routines which gave me enough time to take off her jazz shoes and put on her tap shoes. I also assured her that I would stand right where I was standing at the side of the stage while she danced. She got right up on the stage, but when her friend kamree got upset so did she. So, Ms. Nicole got back onstage with them - luckily this time Mikayla danced without Ms. Nicole carrying her!
Mikayla starts her tap routine - go girl!
Ms. Nicole and Mikayla show off their dance moves while Kamree and her mom look on. Abbi and Annabeth were to the left of Ms. Nicole.
Abbi, Annabeth, Ms. Nicole, and Mikayla finish their tap routine - Superstar Give My Regards to Broadway.
Everyone did an outstanding job with their routines. Even Mikayla and Kamree did a wonderful job!! It takes a lot to get on stage and perform in front of all those people! Way to go Stars!!
Here they take two steps and fall on the ice!
There are also some neat tap steps with this song that I did not get a picture of this time! Here Mikayla leads them as she will lead them off stage at the recital. I hope this is a good idea - some of you may remember at last year's recital Ms. Nicole had to go out and lead Abbi and Mikayla off stage because they didn't follow the other girls!
Next it was time to change into jazz shoes to practice their jazz routine. They are dancing to Locomotion, and here they are practicing their train with Mikayla as the engine! That's Ms. Andrea helping Mikayla and Ms. Nicole is behind her. Behind Mikayla is Lexi, Timothy, and Jadyn.
Mikayla and Lexi practice one of my favorite parts of their jazz routine as Ms. Andrea and Ms. Nicole look on.
Next Thursday night, I will have more pictures of this dance as they perform at Inman Christmas Stroll. Mikayla will also be performing her Superstar tap routine that she has been learning in her Tuesday night class. We are all looking forward to this! She will also be in the Inman Christmas Parade this year, and she will participate in the Bethlehem Walk. She will also compete in her first dance competition in January. Our little dancer sure is keeping us busy!