It seems like just yesterday we were awaiting his arrival. Our days were spent fixing his nursery, deciding on a name (once we found out we were having a boy), going to doctor's visits, and preparing for our lives to be changed forever.
Drew has definitely changed our lives. In fact, it is hard for us to remember our lives before he was born. He has brought us so much joy these last five years, and I know he will continue to bring us joy and make us proud!
We wanted to make this day as special as possible for him without going overboard since his birthday party will be Saturday. I planned to get up early and take Drew and Mikayla to the movies to see Curious George. I was going to let them sleep while I got ready, but Drew came into the living room shortly after I was awake. He said "we gotta get ready for my birthday". I immediately started singing Happy Birthday to You, and he was all smiles. Ever notice how your children love to hear you sing even if you can't carry a tune? It's like that in my kindergarten class too! He said "thank you mama", then proceeded to tell me "I'm five!" This has become a joke with us because for the last month he has been saying "I'm gonna be 5" to which I would reply "3, you have to start going backwards".
After several phone calls from family members wishing Drew a Happy Birthday, we were ready for the movies.

Waiting for the movie to start

Drew and Mikayla watch intently. Mikayla is imitating a face that Curious George made in the movie!
After the movies, we went and got lunch and headed to Craig's work to share lunch with daddy.
Once our bellies were full we headed home to play with our new puppy AJ. We got AJ yesterday and he is not really a puppy, but he is to us. Some friends of ours have had him since he was a puppy, and they just recently got a new puppy. They found it hard to care for both dogs, so they wanted to find a good home for AJ. We were very happy to provide AJ with a good home! Craig has been wanting another lab ever since I have known him (he had one before we met). Labs are also known to have good temperaments, which is a must around children. Drew and Mikayla (Craig and Alison too) have had a wonderful time playing with AJ these last two days. He is such a good boy, and we are glad to have him as an addition to our family!

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