Mikayla has been asking get Uncle Jon Jon (my brother, Jonathan) to take her in his boat for the past week. She remembers the last trip we took out in the boat last September! She did not want to ride on it at first, but then she enjoyed riding so much she asked to go again.
Jonathan had been wanting to take Drew on his tube since we went out in September as well. I wasn't so sure this was a good idea, but Jonathan assured me that he would be fine and Drew was excited about it. So, yesterday afternoon Jonathan took Craig, Drew, Mikayla, and I for a ride on his boat. We met him at Lake Bowen, and Mikayla was very excited until she stepped on the floating dock and it swayed over a wave. She wasn't walking another step and Craig picked her up and stepped into the boat after me. This didn't bother Drew at all as he stepped into the boat like he'd been doing it his whole life! He's just like his uncle Jonathan - there aren't many things that make him nervous/scared! Mikayla again, just as she did the last time, was not happy to be on the boat when we first started moving. More than once she cried "I wanna play" and pointed to the playground that is at the landing. Once we had been going a little while she calmed down.
Daddy, Drew, and Mikayla sit at the front of the boat!
Jonathan drives the boat as Craig and Mikayla look around.
After we rode around awhile, Jonathan and Drew decided to ride the tube while Craig drove the boat. Mikayla sat with me at the back of the boat to watch Drew and Jonathan. She got a little upset again while Drew was on the tube. She kept saying "I want my Drew"! Once she saw that they were okay, she calmed down again.
Drew and Jonathan get ready to ride on the tube.
We start out slow with Jonathan holding onto Drew as he gets used to it!

Then we increase the speed little by little. Drew eventually enjoys it so much that he wants Jonathan to move his arm from around him. At one point Drew's whole body was bouncing off the tube - he was hanging on only by his hands. This made me a little nervous, but Jonathan had assured me before we started that if Drew came off the tube he would go off with him. I never took my eyes off of them just in case they fell off, but they didn't - not until we had stopped the boat and they went in for a swim. I had wondered the whole time they were riding if Drew was nervous, and what he was saying. When Jonathan had pulled them back to the boat I asked him. He said that he kept saying "I wanna go faster" and "I wanna ride by myself". I noticed Jonathan kept giving us the "thumbs up" which meant increase speed, but I was thankful that he had already told Drew that he couldn't ride by himself!
Drew sits on the tube as it floats beside the boat after their ride. He was getting ready to slide in the lake for another swim! After we loaded the tube into the boat we went to ride some more. As we approached the landing, Jonathan spotted Daddy's truck. We pulled up to the dock so that Poppi could get on. It was his first ride in Jonathan's boat, and we were glad that he decided to join us!! We had such a fun time on the lake, and we can't wait for Jonathan to take us out again! Drew is already talking about the next time he rides the tube.
Jonathan had been wanting to take Drew on his tube since we went out in September as well. I wasn't so sure this was a good idea, but Jonathan assured me that he would be fine and Drew was excited about it. So, yesterday afternoon Jonathan took Craig, Drew, Mikayla, and I for a ride on his boat. We met him at Lake Bowen, and Mikayla was very excited until she stepped on the floating dock and it swayed over a wave. She wasn't walking another step and Craig picked her up and stepped into the boat after me. This didn't bother Drew at all as he stepped into the boat like he'd been doing it his whole life! He's just like his uncle Jonathan - there aren't many things that make him nervous/scared! Mikayla again, just as she did the last time, was not happy to be on the boat when we first started moving. More than once she cried "I wanna play" and pointed to the playground that is at the landing. Once we had been going a little while she calmed down.

Daddy, Drew, and Mikayla sit at the front of the boat!

Jonathan drives the boat as Craig and Mikayla look around.
After we rode around awhile, Jonathan and Drew decided to ride the tube while Craig drove the boat. Mikayla sat with me at the back of the boat to watch Drew and Jonathan. She got a little upset again while Drew was on the tube. She kept saying "I want my Drew"! Once she saw that they were okay, she calmed down again.

Drew and Jonathan get ready to ride on the tube.

We start out slow with Jonathan holding onto Drew as he gets used to it!

Then we increase the speed little by little. Drew eventually enjoys it so much that he wants Jonathan to move his arm from around him. At one point Drew's whole body was bouncing off the tube - he was hanging on only by his hands. This made me a little nervous, but Jonathan had assured me before we started that if Drew came off the tube he would go off with him. I never took my eyes off of them just in case they fell off, but they didn't - not until we had stopped the boat and they went in for a swim. I had wondered the whole time they were riding if Drew was nervous, and what he was saying. When Jonathan had pulled them back to the boat I asked him. He said that he kept saying "I wanna go faster" and "I wanna ride by myself". I noticed Jonathan kept giving us the "thumbs up" which meant increase speed, but I was thankful that he had already told Drew that he couldn't ride by himself!

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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