Friday night was Drew's second baseball game! Drew was extrememly excited about this since he did not get to practice (with his team) Thursday night! When we arrived at the complex we saw that Poppi had beaten us to the baseball fields. Since Mimi was headed to the beach for some Continuing Ed classes, Jennie had to work, and Jonathan and Jessica couldn't make it, it was just him at this game (other than Craig, Mikayla, and me of course). Drew and Craig had to head on the field to warm up before we saw Poppi. He had gone down to the lower fields looking for us and ran into my cousin's daughter, Samantha, whose brother was playing his game. As soon as Mikayla spotted him heading back up to the field Drew was on, she went running to him! Drew spotted him and waved from the field. By the time that the game got started Mikayla (and Poppi too!) was covered in red dirt! That's her favorite part of the games I think! Mikayla and Poppi are pouting at each other. Looks like Mikayla has a harder time concealing her smile!!
It was the first time this season that Drew has had to use the tee (nobody hits pitched balls every time - right?)
Both teams played really well. Drew gets ready to field some balls!
We are still amazed at the amount he has grown since last year. This year he is backing his team members up in the field and not acting like it's the end of the world if he doesn't get every ball. His second time at bat there was no need for the tee. Coach Tim pitched the first pitch - Drew swung and missed. Coach Tim pitched the second ball - Drew connected and the ball went almost to the fence!
Of couse he had to finish with his slide into home!
We are so proud of Drew and all of the Cubs team members! Way to go guys - we can't wait until Friday!!

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