Drew and Mikayla love their Bibles that they received for Easter! That was the first thing that Drew noticed. He said "mom I got a book with Jesus on the front"! They have taken them to church and they ask to read them all the time. Mikayla and I also read hers this past Thursday while we were waiting for her dance class to begin! Craig and I are tickled to see them enjoying their very own Bibles!!
Once Drew and Mikayla had seen what was in their Easter baskets Sunday morning, we headed to church. It was mine and Craig's Sunday to be in the nursery. We only had four children in there with us because most of the families decided to take their little ones (especially those that were older) into the sanctuary with them so they could see the Easter cantata. In fact, Mimi and Jennie took Drew and Mikayla into the sanctuary with them! Craig and I were able to watch (mostly listen to) the cantata from the T.V. in the nursery while we took care of the babies!
After our church service, we came home so I could make brown rice to take to Grandma's house for dinner! (This is my Grandma so it is actually Drew and Mikayla's great-grandma. She moved into the house directly across the street from my mom and dad at the end of last year so it is very nice having them all so close!) We went over to my mom and dad's house before we went to Grandma's so that Drew and Mikayla could get their Easter baskets from Mimi and Poppi!

Drew shows off his Easter gifts from Mimi and Poppi!

Mikayla is not letting go of her bunny rabbit as Poppi and Aunt Jennie look on. You can also see Mimi and Jessica in this picture. We were all getting ready to head across the street to Grandma's.
Many family members from my dad's side of the family were at my Grandma's house for Easter. Most of the grandchildren have children of our own now, so there were many groups of four generations!! All four of my Grandma's children were there (Mike, my daddy - Mark, Karen, and Denise) with their families. Mike and Elwanda, their daughter Kathy, her husband Hank, their children Barrett and his girlfriend Stephanie, and Holly, Hank's dad Melvin, Mike and Elwands's son Mikie, his wife April, and their daughter Keyleigh, My mom and dad, me, Craig, Drew, and Mikayla, my brother Jonathan and his girlfriend Jessica, my sister Jennie, and her boyfriend Josh, My Aunt Denise, her daughter Michelle, and her husband Tony, and their children Daffney, Nadia, and Cameron, Denise's son Allen, his wife Nikki, and their children Chrissy, and Jacob, and my Aunt Karen were all at my Grandma's house! Some members of the family were unable to make it, but we all sure had fun. After we all had dinner together, the children (Daffney, Nadia, Cameron, Drew, Mikayla, Keyleigh, Chrissy, and Jacob) had an Easter egg hunt. My daddy, Aunt Karen, and Aunt Denise hid the eggs filled with money for the little ones to find!

Drew looks in the leaves for an egg, while Mikie helps Keyleigh look for eggs behind him.Mommy and Mikayla spot an egg in the grass!
Drew puts one egg in his basket as he spots another one on the ground.
Mikayla puts one of her finds in her basket.
It was such a blessing to spend Easter with our extended family! Hopefully Drew and Mikayla will remember and cherish these family get-togethers for a long time!
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