Yesterday the weather was beautiful! We spent the morning playing around the house, and Drew and Mikayla got their fill of cartoons. Then when Aunt Jennie got off work she called to see if we wanted to go to the park. This was really great because all morning Drew had been wanting to call her to see if she wanted to go play baseball. After we got something for lunch, we headed to the park to meet Jennie. We have always taken Drew and Mikayla to the park at Lake Bowen because that was the only park with a playground. Now we have a new park with a playground that is only about 5 minutes from our house.
Mikayla peeks through the bars as she climbs up on the "big" playground!
Mikayla thinks she can do anything big brother Drew does. Here she comes down the "big" slide all by herself. This slide is about 9-10 feet in the air! She has always been very independent!
Drew, being the big boy he is, comes down the "big" slide on his head!
Drew came down the "big" slide rolling and ended up like this. He was being silly! I just happened to be waiting right here with the camera to catch this shot. I think this one scared him a little (get a good look at that face)! It sure scared mommy!! This park also has large areas of grass around it where eventually there will be fields or other things added. This is where Drew's baseball team has their practices this year. This works out really nicely because our day at the park usually includes playing on the playground and playing a little ball! Yesterday was no different. We spent about an hour on the playground and then Drew wanted to get his ball stuff out. We went and played baseball (giving Drew and Mikayla a chance to hit and field) for about 30 minutes and then went back to the playground. By the time we left around sunset, Drew and Mikayla were wiped out. That didn't keep them from wanting to go to Aunt Jennie's house to see Mimi and Poppi. We went so they could play with Mimi and Poppi while we decided what we would do for supper. When we left Mimi and Poppis's house, Craig, Drew, Mikayla, Jennie, Josh, and I all headed to the fish camp. Drew and Mikayla got a quick nap on the way. Mommy was very happy about this, because they were much more well behaved than they would have been had they not gotten a nap! We all had a wonderful time getting our bellies full in the company of family and friends.

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