Today was Drew's first baseball game!! His game started at 10:00 but we had to be at the fields at 9:15 for pictures at 9:30. Drew woke up this morning to me fixing my make-up and asked "where are we going?". When I told him we were going to his first game he said "YEAH!" I finished getting myself ready then began to put his uniform on. Today was the first time he's worn his complete uniform this year (grey pants, blue baseball belt, blue baseball socks, jersey [with a red longsleeve shrit underneath], and cleats) so he was very excited. We got him in uniform, then we got Mikayla dressed. We loaded up the car and headed to the fields (Craig was meeting us there since he went to work at 7:30 this morning). After waiting to have pictures made and then having them made first individually, then team pictures, we headed down to our field and waited on another game to finish. The coach had them warm up and they practiced fielding some balls while they waited. By the time the game started Drew and the other boys and girl on his team were ready! They had been so patient to wait on our opposing team to have their pictures made!! Poppi and Mimi, Jennie, Jonathan, and Jessica had all come to see Drew's first game and Drew (Mikayla too!) was excited to have them all there! Drew did so much better at this game than he did last year!! Last year, he wanted to come off the field or out of the dugout to see his Poppi every time! Today, he stayed in the field and in the dugout like such a big boy! He is the last batter on his team because they bat in order of jersey numbers and he is number 9! He waited so patiently for his turn to bat today!! I could not have been more proud of him! I can really tell how much he's grown up over the last year! We are all very proud of him and we can't wait to see how he does at his next game - this Friday at 6:30! I'll post more pictures then!

Aunt Jennie and Mikayla wait for Drew's game to start.

Drew gets ready to field balls hit by the other team! (He's the one in the Gamecock jacket - he was cold and didn't want to take it off!)

Drew throws the ball back to the other team's coach after stopping it!

Jessica and Jennie try to stay warm in Poppi's coat! It was tolerable when the sun was out and the wind wasn't blowing. But it was freezing when the sun went behind the clouds!

Drew hits a ball that Coach Tim pitches - run Drew, run!

Drew runs to first base after one of his hits! I apologize for the fence in the middle of the picture - there was an awful glare and I couldn't see the digital screen on my camera. I almost didn't get Drew in the picture - he looks like he is running off the page!

Drew slides into home! This is something that he started last year - I guess it has become a tradition!

Drew tags-up after the game! "Great game Cubs - we are proud of you!!"
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