Drew wakes Mikayla up and gets her to come see what Santa left - you can see at this point she's not too enthused to see her HUGE Play-doh kit, princess CD player/jewelry box (she wanted the princess TV, but Santa knew she already had a TV in her room), activity table, and Dora stuff!
Drew takes a ride around the living room on his scooter - this was one of his favorites!
Mikayla looks to see what Santa left her in this chair - a ballerina doll, Big Sister Dora, books, clothes, etc.
When Drew saw his basketball on the couch, he said "just what I've always wanted!" I thought how wonderful it was for a five year old to be thankful for a basketball - boy was he going to be surprised! We had to go outside to find what Santa left to go with the basketball. Drew was SO excited, he couldn't resist taking a shot - even in the rain!
Mikayla plays with her activity table. There is a place to store coloring books, crayons, paints, etc. and it also teaches through music. She loves it! In the background you can see her bouncing Tigger, and her ballet barre and mat. Santa knew she loves to dance!

Drew and Mikayla find out what Santa left in their stockings! In the picture above you can see some of Drew's things Santa left on the couch. I am mad at myself for not getting a picture of the covered couch, but Drew was moving all around the living room, never really staying in front of his stuff! You can see his board game, and power ranger toy. What you don't see is his Leapster and games, books, basketball, Legos, Nerf Target Set, etc.

After seeing what all Santa left at our house it was off to Mimi and Poppi's house again as Santa leaves stuff for us over there each Christmas too! Boy Santa must have thought Drew and Mikayla had been pretty good this year!