Rick, Angie, and Morgan invited us to go trick-or-treating with them in their neighborhood last night. Since we live on a busy street, we've never taken Drew and Mikayla trick-or-treating except to grandparents houses. We usually go to our church's fall festival (and the last 2 years we've gone to Uncle Chris and Aunt Julie's church for their fall festival as well). Our church did not have a fall festival this year because our focus has been on 40 Days of Purpose! We did, however, have games and candy this past Wednesday night at AWANAs. We thought Drew and Mikayla would have a wonderful time trick-or-treating with Morgan, so we decided that we would do that first, then we would all go to Aunt Julie and Uncle Chris's church. A fun time was had by all!! (Even the "big" kids.)
Here is Mikayla as a unicorn (I know, I know she was supposed to be a purple ballerina, but Poppi had gotten her this costume last year at an after-Halloween sale and this is the one she chose to wear. I was glad though because it was going to be a little cold for her ballerina dress!), Morgan as a bunny, and Drew as the red Power Ranger! Aren't they cute??
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