My little ones are growing up...too fast! There is no longer a crib up in our house. We have moved Mikayla from the crib into her "big girl bed". Until recently we didn't see the need to move her.
We moved Drew into his "big boy bed" when he was 20 months old. I was 5 months pregnant with Mikayla and we needed to finish her nursery. So...his crib was moved into Mikayla's nursery and he got a new "big boy bed" (we used one part of the bunk bed that my sister and I had shared when we were younger). He was so excited about his new bed because he could get in and out of it all by himself. His Mimi and Poppi had gotten him a rail to go on his "big boy bed" right after we found out we were expecting Mikayla, so he was all set.
Since we are not planning another baby anytime soon (we have not gotten rid of the crib, it has just been moved to the attic...), we didn't see the need to take Mikayla out of it. However, she has gotten to be quite the daredevil! She has started climbing on everything, and we were afraid that she would start trying to climb out of the crib. So...last weekend we decided it was time for her to make the transition from the crib to her "big girl bed". Craig was a little hesitant at first. He kept saying "she's so little". I had to remind him that Drew moved into his bed at 20 months, and that she did turn 26 months old at the end of October. After I reminded him of that, he agreed that it was time.
We already knew that Mikayla would use the other part of the bunk bed. Since they can also be taken apart and used separately, we could put one in Drew's room and the other in Mikayla's room. We weren't real sure what to do about rails. We didn't know whether to buy another one for Mikayla, or to take the one off of Drew's bed to put on hers. So...we talked to Drew about this. We told him that since he was getting older, he might not need his rail anymore. And since Mikayla was still little, she needed a rail. He said "she can use my rail, I'm a big boy". Well that settled it! We took the rail off of his bed and put it on Mikayla's. He has told several people about this, saying "I don't have a rail on my bed anymore, I'm a big boy".
We have been very pleased with how well they have both done with these changes. Drew has not fallen out of his bed (thank goodness!!), and Mikayla seems to sleep better in this bed (she doesn't snore as much)! She also seems to like the fact that she can get in and out of her bed now on her own.
It is a little sad, though, not to have a crib (set up) in our house anymore. That was the last "baby item" to be put away. You never know, in a few more years, we just may be planning for a little brother/little sister for Drew and Mikayla!

Drew sleeping without a rail! Mikayla sleeping in her "big girl bed"!
1 comment:
AWWWW!! Aren't they precious!!! They have grown up so fast it seems like just yesterday you were in the hospital gettin ready to have Drew!!! :-( its so sad!! They are precious though!!!
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