Our family spent Thanksgiving in Florida!! Craig, Drew, Mikayla and I left Tuesday after work to head to Lakeland, Fla to see GG ma, GG pa, Aunt Juanita, and Aunt Susie. We arrived at 2 a.m. Wednesday and went straight to the hotel room to sleep! When we woke up, we went to enjoy breakfast with GG ma and GG pa at their house.
Drew and Mikayla enjoy their breakfast with GG pa!! After breakfast, we took Drew and Mikayla to Disney's Animal Kingdom! There we saw the Lion King Show, rode Kilomanjaros Safarii, met some Disney characters and much more!! One of our favorites was the safarii ride. We saw all sorts of animals including elephants, rhinos, hippos, lions, gazelles, even girraffes! I thought the animals would probably keep a safe distance from the safarii vehicles, but they got surprisingly close. One of the giraffes walked directly in front of our jeep. Drew and Mikayla love all kinds of animals so it was really neat seeing their faces light up at all the different ones there! Drew and Mikayla also enjoyed meeting Mickey and Minnie Mouse as you can tell!
They also got to meet Pluto, Goofy, and the Chipmunks!
Also yesterday was the pig race and ice cream party at our school for the students who sold $150 or more for our fall fundraiser. Drew was able to participate in this, and he had been looking forward to it all week. I had already explained the pig race to him. I told him that he would pick a pig and if his pig won, he would win $50!! He thought they would be watching real pigs. Even though I knew that they would be pulling for little stuffed mechanical pigs, I didn't tell him any different. I just wanted him to wait and see for himself. When we went out for the pig race he was so excited about seeing those pigs, he didn't even care that they weren't real.
Drew sleeping without a rail! Mikayla sleeping in her "big girl bed"!