Drew loves school soooo much, he asks for homework every night (boy, do I hope it stays like this!!). He comes to homework room with Extra Edition to my classroom after school some days. We had to talk about how when he needs me in there, he has to raise his hand because I might be working with another child. It only took him about one day to pick up on this! So...now at home when he does his daily homework (from workbooks that we've gotten from the Dollar Tree or Walmart), he raises his hand when he needs me or Craig. We think it is cute of course. He uses anything available for a desk, even though he has a Fisher Price desk in his room. After we got our new computer, he used the computer box for a desk! He does work very hard to do neat work, and is somewhat of a perfectionists I guess you could say. If he messes up, he doesn't even think about a way to fix it. He gets so upset with himself. We are working on this by reminding him that no one except God is perfect. I hope he always keeps his drive to be successful!!
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