Yesterday, we had grandparents breakfast at our school for kindergarten, first and fifth graders to celebrate Grandparent's Day (coming up Sunday). We surprised Drew yesterday morning by telling him that Mimi (Poppi had to work) would be going to his school with him to have breakfast.
Mimi picked Drew up from our house and off they went. They arrived at the school where I was anxiously waiting for them. I met them as soon as they got out of the car. I was able to get a picture of Drew with Mimi at the door of our school before they went in. Then Mimi purchased their tickets, and we went into the cafeteria. I showed mama (Mimi) and Drew where to get in line, then I told them to enjoy their breakfast. (I had to get to my classroom before the bell rang.) Mimi said that she and Drew would come down to my room before they left to tell me bye. (Since Drew is in the afternoon 4k class, Mimi was going to take him to pre-school after breakfast.)
After a great breakfast of pancakes, saugsage, and milk (juice, tea, and coffee for adults), Drew and Mimi came down to my room. Drew saw my easel and thought that he would get to paint. After I explained that he couldn't because I had to teach my boys and girls, he was ready to go to pre-school. He gave me lots of hugs and kisses, and told my class bye. The children also said goodbye to my mom. Then they were off - headed to pre-school!
Drew and Mimi both seemed to greatly enjoy the grandparents breakfast. Mimi, Poppi, and Drew are already looking forward to next year!
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