Homework room for k4-first grade for our after-school program is in my classroom each afternonn.I was surprised when Drew came in yesterday and, with a smile on his face, said "Mommy I have homework!! I was so glad that he appeared to be happy about this.
I told him he could sit beside me so that I could help him. The note on his clipboard said to bring a picture of something red from a magazine tomorrow. If we didn't have access to a magazine, he could draw a picture of something red. Since we use magazines in my 5k class for the same sort of activities, I gave him one and told him to look for something red. While he was looking, I was helping other students. It wasn't long before he had found a red pocketbook. I gave him a pair of kid scissors and had him cut it out. He picked up the scissors and got to work. He did a great job cutting the top and bottom of the picture. He had a little trouble figuring out how to cut the side where the binding is (a pretty common problem for four year olds). I showed him one time how to turn the magazine and he finished cutting his picture out.
I also had him write his name and the color word red (they have been working on red this week) and blue. He enjoys writing, so he loved this. I think it makes him feel like a big kid!!
I was so proud that he was able to complete his first homework with minimal help. He really is such a BIG BOY...so independent!
Miss Mikayla also continues to make us proud every day!! Today was her first day of preschool at daycare. She marched right in ready to start! She loves learning new things. Today, she made a beautiful picture that we added to our fridge. She will be working on colors, shapes, vocabulary, etc.
We talked about what she did at school today. We sung some of the songs that they sung in class and she started laughing and singing with me. I know that she loves it! She already enjoys telling her colors, and she loves counting to 10.
After school today, I was singing the color songs with Drew, helping him learn to spell color words and Mikayla started singing. She can now sing the red song and the purple song. She thinks everything Drew does, she MUST do.
She is so independent as well. Her new response to everything is "I DO IT!". We get this when we try to put her shoes on, when we try to buckle her into her car seat, when we try to help her wash her hair or brush her teeth. She likes to be a BIG girl!!
Cherishing these moments...