Drew, Mikayla, and I spent the first week of June like we spent most weeks this summer - by the pool!!
They are at the age now where I don't feel I have to be right beside them in the pool the whole time. Don't get me wrong - they are never in the pool unless an adult is outside with them. This year is the first year, though, that I felt confident enough in their swimming that I would get out and lay in the sun some while they swam. I still got in the pool a lot myself to play with them of course, but it is nice to be able to sit on the side and watch them enjoy the water as much as I do!!

Drew loves to
snorkel - if (when) we go on a cruise that is something we will have to do as a family for sure!! He has always been our little fish - never afraid of anything. Sometimes I wish he were a little more cautious in certain situations, but he is learning to be as he matures!! We sure are proud of our little guy!!
Mikayla is like a little fish - hard to believe the first two years of her life she screamed when we got in the pool. She would latch on to me like I was gonna drop her if she didn't and scream if any part of her body touched the water. She is so much like her daddy - scared of everything. There are times I am grateful for this cautiousness and other times I wish she weren't so. I think she is learning as she gets older that there are some things she should be afraid of, and there are some things she has no reason to fear. It is my goal to keep exposing her to many different things so that she can overcome some of this. That's the reason I kept getting in the water with her when she was little. If I had avoided it just because she was scared of it, she would still be scared to this day and not "swimming like a fish"!! Our girl has been jumping off the diving board without floats on for 2 years now - we couldn't be more proud!!
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