On Saturday, June 13th Craig invited the guys that work with him to come to our house for a cookout. Mikayla had spent the night at the dance studio the night before since it was the last day of dance camp, and Drew had spent the night with Mimi and Poppi so Craig and I had gotten a date night (Side Street Pizza - yum!!). Craig and I went to pick Mikayla up from the studio Saturday morning, and then went to Costco to get all of the food, drinks, etc. When we got home, Poppi brought Drew home, and we had the kids rest awhile, and then we all played outside while waiting for everyone to arrive.
"Yella Boy's" oldest daughter, Deja, had fun watching everyone play the wii. She even enjoyed a couple games of bowling herself!
Zach tries out his bowling skills.
Sherri's granddaughter wants to bowl too ya'll!
Yella's wife, Sherika, takes a turn at bowling while their youngest daughter Keasia smiles for the camera.
Then we pulled out the wii fit and "Yella Boy" tried his luck at ski jump.
Darryl wants to see how well he can jump!
Then Sherri took a turn...
while Austin and "Yella Boy" look on. I don't think either of them were playing with the pink bear laying beside them. I think one of the little ones were playing with it! :)
Zach decided that he wanted to try his luck too...
while Sherri, her grandson, Darryl, "Yella Boy", Austin, and Keasia look on. Austin did not want his picture taken - can you tell?
Jennie and her boyfriend BJ smile for the camera. They had fun just watching everyone on the fit!
Everyone seemed to have a fun time, and I'm pretty sure they got their bellies full! Craig and I had fun playing host and hostess and we will have to get everyone together again soon!!