Rows and rows of strawberries - YUMMM!
After Drew's game on Saturday, we went to Highway 11 Restaurant (one of my favorites - they have the best salads) for lunch. We had to have Mikayla at her dance studio at 1 to practice the finale dance for her recital and we had a little time before that so after lunch we stopped at Strawberry Hill. We had been wanting to get some more strawberries and they also have peaches which are Craig's favorite.
We didn't have time to pick our own, but Drew and Mikayla had fun "picking" out a bucket to bring home. We plan to go again when we have more time, so that we can pick as a family!
One of Drew and Mikayla's favorite parts of our visit to Strawberry Hill today was rolling down this HUGE hill! They laughed, and laughed, and laughed. I'm so glad we took this time for them to do this. It is important that our children have a chance to enjoy the simple things - their childhoods have to be so different from mine and Craig's because our world has changed so much. It makes me smile to see them experiencing things like this! 
We had so much fun, and we can't wait to go back!
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